Discussion - Misconceptions and Mistakes

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Here are some common misconceptions and mistakes that people make about different Christian things or things in the Bible. I thought I would be kind and share them with you so that you are not also caught in the big sea of mistakes. (I also consider these a bit of pet peeves for me, so sorry if I rant a bit... 😬😆😬)

:) ;) :)



"Son" - so often in newer translations of the Bible, this term has been changed to "children" or "family" to include females. It makes sense. Girls want to feel included in God's love.

HOWEVER, the son, in Biblical times, is the one who received the inheritance from the father. So in scripture, it is generally being used as a metaphor. We are the "sons" of God, receiving our inheritance — Heaven.

The original authors of the Bible didn't intend to exclude females, but rather INclude them.


The Book of Revelation - SO many of the times people call it "Revelations" with an "S" tagged at the end as if it were plural, but that is wrong!! There is only ONE revelation, ONE end, ONE coming back of Christ.


"Don't [sin] in church!!" - Oohhh, this is one of my biggest pet peeves. When people say things like, "Don't lie! You're in CHURCH!" or "Ha! You cant hit me, we're in church!!" I just wanna smack 'em upside the head! (not really... but also really really 😋😒😋)

What I mean is a sin is a sin is a sin, and that doesn't change depending on the place you are when you commit it. Whether you're at church, at school, or even in your bedroom alone where no one else can see it, God is everywhere.

Yes, we should be especially respectful in God's house, but saying that makes it seem as if that sin is okay as long as you do it outside of church, which is clearly wrong. There is nothing special about those four walls!

...just saying. :) :] :)


That's it for now!! Hopefully I didn't rant too harshly! 😂😬😂

Don't forget to comment what ya think and drop a vote! Let me know ya care! 💚🔆💚

You are you and I love you, so keep being you!! Hey, and this book is in the top 200 in spiritual!! WOOP WOOP! 😄😮😄

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You are you and I love you, so keep being you!! Hey, and this book is in the top 200 in spiritual!! WOOP WOOP! 😄😮😄

Oh, hey that reminds me!! I am working really hard on a new book for you guys!! It's called The Followers, and in it I will discuss and go over the detailed stories of monumental people in the Bible and how they can seriously relate to our lives today! I think it's going to be super cool! It will definitely grow all of our knowledge on our favorite heroes! Here's the cover for it which I am quite proud of even though it is like the simplest thing ever! 😆

Oh, hey that reminds me!! I am working really hard on a new book for you guys!! It's called The Followers, and in it I will discuss and go over the detailed stories of monumental people in the Bible and how they can seriously relate to our lives t...

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Haha! Keep an eye out for that coming soon!! 👀😳👀

Have a wonderful, wonderful day and may God bless you even more than you already are!! 😇😊😇

Love ya!!!! 😘💙😘


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