Discussion - Sexy Sins

121 13 23

Um, if you're under the age of, like, 12 your parents might not want you reading this. I don't know. You can decide that on your own, I guess. (Take into consideration the title of this chapter.)


Okay, so this has really been bugging me lately, partly just because I've dealt with it a bit first hand.

God created humans as sexual beings, and He did that for a reason. He created us with lust and a sexual desire so that we would want and long to do one of the most important things: reproduce and populate the earth.
If we had no desire to have sex, then the earth probably would have ended a while ago.

So God created us this way for a reason, but the thing is, these days people are taking it WAY too far (myself included). They're tempted into lust and that desire is stretched. This is where things like masturbation, oral sex, sending/looking at inappropriate pictures, reading/writing steamy novels, premarital sex (even with protection), touching one another inappropriately, and simply talking or thinking/fantasizing about those such things come in to play.

Guys, this is partly just my opinion, so I could be wrong on some of this, but I believe that we were created to populate the earth and no more than that (in the way of sexual relations, I mean). Anything beyond that is just disrespecting the body that God gave you (and your partner's body, too). Yeah, I'm just being honest I will probably end up doing some of these things when I'm older because I am just like anyone else and get caught up in the moment. And it probably feels great at the time and probably doesn't feel wrong at all, but come on! Do you really think any of that is actually PLEASING God? The Bible tells us that in everything we do, we are to glorify Him:

•••"Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God." -1 Corinthians 10:31•••

The next time that Satan tempts you with something of this sort, ask yourself "Would I do this if Jesus was standing right next to me?" Then, the choice is yours. Do it or don't do it. God gave us free will to do whatever we please, (•••"You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love." -Galations 5:13•••) but that does not in any way mean that we should just do whatever and expect no punishment.

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