Discussion - Salvation

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Hello, my Christ like siblings! 😇

I've got a question for ya!

🔸What determines when a person is saved?

🔸Is it when they believe?

🔸Is it when they surrender and accept God as their Lord and savior?

🔸Is it weeks and months after when they have stayed faithful and committed?

🔸When? 😮

This is something we attempted to discuss in my youth group last week, and it really got me thinking. Like, what does label a person as saved and on the road to Heaven? Tell me what you think! Personally, I think that believing and surrendering is just the first part. I think that it takes weeks to fully be saved because the Bible says that we are saved by the grace of God according to our faith, and faith takes time to build.

But that also makes me question the people who are on their death bed, get "saved", and then pass away. The Bible also says that we are judged according to the works we did through our faith. Faith without works is dead. I believe they are forgiven, but are they really saved? They didn't have time to show their faith through works.

I discussed this with an amazing friend of mine, and he thinks that the dying person will go to heaven if they really mean it and have faith. That being a Christian is about loving God, so if they really genuinely meant it, they will go to Heaven.

I want to agree with him, but really, I don't know. I don't think we need to or were ever supposed to know, but it's good to think about because for me, it really motivates you to do better just in case you aren't yet in the actual category of the saved.

Another question for ya...

🔸Can a person lose their salvation?

🔸Can a person's name be taken out of the Book of Life?

🔸Once saved, always saved? 😕

I do not agree with that statement at all. Honestly, I don't understand how anyone could, but a few of my close friends do. I see it as if you genuinely give your heart to God, accept Him as your savior, and submit to Him for the rest of your life, you're good. BUT that's the thing. You could get saved and live for God, but ten years later you've gone and given your life over to atheism. How can you still be saved if you're not living for God and (in some cases) you've completely denied Him? The Bible says that if you deny God and His will, He will deny you.

Yes, everyone slips up every once in a while, and that doesn't mean that we aren't saved anymore. It is just when you stop believing and stop TRYING to live a Christian life and stop trusting in God when you lose your salvation. It's when you lose faith. It's all about faith.

But that's only my opinion. You can take it to the bank or throw it out the window. I don't care. I want you to form your OWN opinions, and then I want to hear them! Tell me what ya think!

Oh, and I just want to clarify that I ask you these questions because I really want to know what you think, that way I can grow and mold my own opinions, broaden my view, and clear things up a bit. But also to help do the same for you! So, if you don't agree with my opinions that I share, please don't come at me rudely. This hasn't necessarily happened, I just wanted to put it out there because, guys, let's be real here. I'm not perfect! Neither are you! We build off of each other though. That's why I established this book! It's supposed to be interactive! If you go to the very first chapter of this book it gives the dictionary definition of interactive, and it's about two things or people having an effect on each other. Guys, I want you to give the best, positive, and growing experience possible from this book, so just remember to be gentle with your words. Thank you!!


To make this book have an even greater impact, message me if you have...

🔸Questions! 😮🙋

🔸Discussion Topics! 😌😕

🔸Testimonies! 🙌😳

🔸Prayer Requests! 😢😐

🔸Praise Reports! 😄🙌

But remember, I'm just another Christian teenager, so if you are just...

🔸Looking For Advice? 😩 A Friend? 😁 Someone To Rant To? 😤

🔸Anything? 😉

I am here for you just as Christ is here for me. Always.

I love you.


P.S. - To those of you who are hurting, God has not forgotten about you.


P.P.S - If you don't already know, I am an admin for the COG Ministries here on Wattpad (COG_Ministries) which was started by our very own MasterHand4444 (he's a pretty epic dude and an amazing, faithful servant of Christ, just so ya know!). Together we have a book called Serious Questions, Seriously Answered, and I think you guys would really enjoy it! MH4 does an incredible job finding some valuable answers to some tough, but common questions for understanding ways of the Christian lifestyle, some that you may have been wondering yourself! So, it would mean so much to him and me as well, if you supported the ministry and took a look at that! Also, share it with a friend or two! Anything to spread the true gospel!

Thanks! You peeps are the actual best! 💒💒💒


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