Discussion - Reading the Bible

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A few months ago, I discovered this:

At first it made me laugh, but then it finally occurred to me sad truth behind this statement

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At first it made me laugh, but then it finally occurred to me sad truth behind this statement. Not many people these days actually read their Bible and it's awful to think about!

There's a reason it was written!

Stop trying to put together the pieces of your life on your own. You were given an instruction manual! That's what the Bible even stands for:

Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth

I hope every one of you have an instruction manual. If you don't you're not going to know how to put your life together and keep it together and stable even in the rough times.

Now, it's best to have an actual copy of the Bible rather than one on your phone because your phone also has things like Facebook, Instagram, the internet, Wattpad, tumblr, and Snapchat that can and WILL distract you from getting your daily Bible reading time.

Oh wait, did you hear that? Did Banana just say DAILY reading?!?! Yes, my darling, I did.
God wants us and needs us to read His holy word every day!

The Bible is not cake for special occasions. It is bread for everyday use!

It is important to know and study God's word and keep it in your heart, to set it as a foundation and build a strong faith and relationship with God upon it, that way you can share it with others.

I know I said you need to have an actual paper copy of the Bible, but on my profile I have a book called A Scripture A Day Keeps The Devil Away and it's just a book of verses from the Bible! Not in any specific order, just some highlights throughout. I try to keep them short and sweet so you can get your daily dose of Jesus talk even on those busy days. I'd appreciate it if you'd check that out!

I encourage you to read your Bible EVERY DAY and share it with others! If you have a question about a specific passage, PM me and I'll answer to the best of my ability! Thank you so much!

Have you read your Bible today?

God bless!


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