Chapter 7

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Felix's pov

I was woken up by,  Pan early in the morning.

Me: yes,  Pan?

Pan: come on, we have work to do.

I sighed while he walked out. I can't wait for this kid to come because I can not take this anymore. I walked out of my tent and straight towards the entrance of camp where the other older Lost Boys are. Yesterday we told them to keep watch on the pirates to make sure they don't do anything they might regret. Today they are going to keep an eye on the Indians to make sure no one disappeared lately. When they were out of sight and hearing range. We quickly walked away to talk to his shadow.

Me: we're still keeping this from, Ally?

He nodded while saying-

Pan: she doesn't need to know until the time is right.

I looked at him with a raised brow.

Me:  and when will that be?

Pan: no idea.

I chuckled while shaking my head. I know that she'll wake up soon.

Pan: so, three more days until the comet's come. What are you going to do?

Me: I'm going to take her to her favorite place to see them.

He looked at me and smiled.

Pan: she's good for you, Felix. Can't wait for you two to get married.

That is when my fave turns red. I heard him start laughing and than he started teasing me. It's going to be a long day.

Alyson's pov

Again, the boys and I are alone at camp. I decided to take them to Mermaid Lagoon. Right when we got there, we heard giggling and gossiping. I walk out of the forest with the boys behind me. They noticed us and smiled.

Lilly: hey, Ally! Who are the little one's behind you?

Me:  these are the younger, Lost Boys. This is Johnny, Brandon, Dan, Zack, Cody, Max, and Sam. He's new.

They waved while saying-

Mermaids: hey, nice to meet you/hey, cuties!

I smiled. At least they are getting along.

Me: I wanted to know of you guys wanted to place some volleyball with the boys?

Ariel: I'm down,  what about you guys?

Mermaids: yeah.

They all started playing volleyball while I sat down with my back leaning on a rock. I watched with a smile on my face as they all laughed and had a good time. After volleyball we all sat down and had some lunch. The boys started playing with the mermaids while waiting for me to say time to go home. I heard the mermaids gasp making me confused and worried. I walk over while saying-

Me: what's going on?

Harriet: Trident, wants us back home.

I nodded with a confused look on my face.

Me: ok, see you later than.

The boys and I walked back to the camp while the mermaids dived back home. When we got back home I saw,  Felix and Peter having a heated conversation.

Me: boys why don't you go practice with the others. I'm going to talk to,  Felix and Peter. Alright?

They nodded while running off. I walked over to them until I got close enough to say-

Me: what's wrong?

They looked at me before saying-

Felix and Peter: nothing.

My eyes widened in shock. The just lied to me. What the hell?!

Me: why did you guys just lie to me?

Peter: we didn't.

I growled at him. I maybe nice but I hate it when people lie to me.

Me: you just did it, again! Why are you lying to me?!

I felt a hand go on my shoulder. I looked to see that it was, Felix.

Felix: Ally, calm down-

I pushed his hand while saying

Me: I will not calm down! You both are lying to me and I want to know why! You know how I am when people lie to me!

They looked at me with guilty looks.

Peter: we can't tell you.

I was hurt and angry. Tears started rolling down my face.

Me:  I can't believe you, guys.

Peter, went to grab my hand but I just  flew away from them ignoring their calls for me to come back.

Me(thought's): why, why would they lie to me. Both of them know that I hate liars.

I stopped flying when I found myself at my favorite hiding spot. No one knows where this cave is except for, Tink. I sat down by the pond of secrets and put my knees close to my chest before wrapping my arms around them. I put my chin on my knees while staring into the pond. I found this pond the first time, Peter lied to me. Tears rolled down my face. I know that I'm over reacting but I just hate liar's. It shows that nobody trusts you to know the truth. Sometimes people need to hear the truth. Even if it's horrible. Truth is the truth it will either hurt you or make you feel happy. I knew that, Peter would lie to me but Felix. My best friend. That one shocked me to no other. We tell each other everything.  .  .  .  Ok,  maybe not everything, everything but still. I'm just going to stay here and cool off-

Felix: Ally, you in here?

Me(thoughts): how the hell did he find me? Unless. . . . . . . I'm going to kill her.

He walked further into the cave only to sigh in relied when he saw me. He walked over to me and sat down next to me in the exact same way as me.

Felix: I'm sorry, we lied. The thing is, is that we can't tell you until you're ready.

Me: I would have understood if you guys didn't lie.

He sighed.

Felix: Ally, we lied for a reason. Just please understand.

I stood up while saying-

Me: what I can't understand is that you lied to me, Felix! I knew my brother would lie to me but you, you out of all people lied to me!

He looked at me with guilt In his eyes. He stood up and stared at me. We stood there for a few minutes. I shook my head and started walking away. Before I knew it, he grabbed my wrist and spun me around which I immediately was met with his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly.

Felix: I'm sorry, that I lied to you. Please, forgive me.

I immediately wrapped my arms around him and started crying. I can never stay mad at my boys they are the most important people in my life.  Nothing can change that, nothing.

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