Chapter 5

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Alyson's pov

I was woke up with a jolt. I quickly checked my surroundings before sighing in relief. I'm still home. I saw, Felix asleep on the arm chair shivering. I made a blanket appear over him making his shivering stop. I sighed when I remembered that I'm going to need knew clothes. Great. I decided to try and walk to my closet which was hard but successful. I saw that, Tinker Bell heard the news and made me new clothes. I love her, she is my only girl friend on this entire island except the mermaids of course. I saw one that I liked and decided to put it on. It was a green short sleeve shirt and black pants. I put those on before struggling on putting on my shoes. That was when, Felix woke up. When he saw what I was doing he freaked. He jumped up and ran over to my bed while neeling down saying-

Felix: Ally, what are you doing?! You could hurt yourself!

Me: sorry, Felix. I know you and Peter want me to stay here and rest up but I-I can't.

I lowered my head remembering the horrid nightmare that I was back at the Indian camp. More like a horrid memory. He sighed and kissed my head making me blush.

Felix: you don't have to explain, Ally. You could've asked for my help.

I looked at him with a soft smile while he helped me with my shoes.

Me: you rarely sleep in, Felix. Plus you looked, so peaceful that I didn't want to wake you.

His cheeks turned light pink which made me giggle a little bit. When he was done tying my combat boots he helped me up. Peter, walked in with a small box.

Me: morning, Peter. What's that?

Peter: I didn't think that you would want anybody to see you're bandages. So, I asked Tink if she can make you a cloak.

I smiled at him with sadness in my eyes. I know that I will have scars when I heal. I wouldn't doubt it knowing how deep they were. Felix, put the gray cloak around my shoulders and I tied It, so it would not fall. When we were done, we made our way outside. I saw all the boys laughing and having fun playing which made me smile. Now that's a great sight to see.

Me: so, what are we going to do today?

Peter: eat, practice-

Me: come on, Peter. Let the boys have a break sometime.

He sighed with annoyance.

Peter: fine.

While we were all eating I felt the pain from my body go away. I was shocked at first but than looked at my brother that was acting innocent. I smirked at him and he smirked back.

Me: snicky, jackass.

He fake gasp while saying-

Peter: language, young lady.

I chuckled while shaking my head. The whole day we were having fun and playing games. When it became the end of the day the boys wanted me to tell them a story. I decided to tell them the story when my brother and I first found, Neverland. When the story was over they all went to bed. Felix and I, decided to find the meadow we found when we first became best friends. We were sitting there talking about everything and anything.

Me: I have a question.

Felix: what?

I sighed before looking at the night sky that was full of stars.

Me: what would you say if I told you that I'm not related to, Peter by blood.

I looked at him to see a shocked expression on his face.

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