Killing time.

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I approach the building well cave. It's dark and well what can I say we live a life where the boogie man is real.

I might live or die tonight but I at least I tried. There are seven groups, I lead one, Eddie leads another, we have some fire users with us, I wish Christian could come but queen orders. He can't. The rest are lead by the others.
I can't freeze up when I kill them. I can't hesitate.
As we walk, we are jumped. But nope the other group attacks them we have to keep going, get to the target.
"Rose!" Someone from behind yelled but then a Strigoi Bastard jumped me, I killed him in Min. Must of been just turned like a week ago. We head beeper and deeper in the cave then, we are cornered. 13 Strigoi around us.
Using all the moves Dimitri showed me. So he can't figure out my new ones. I know he's around I feel it.
Another wave comes, This time less, there only seven of them. I yell
"Now" with that the fire users burn them. I get an all clear. And a now a group is just around the corner I don't mean Strigoi. Then all of sudden all the people around me knocked down.
When I feel a wind pass, I looked around then back down. They are all knocked out. Shit!

"Roza Roza, you take my love, now you take my life and worst of all I watched her die." He pauses, then specks again
"Now you will watch your love die", I see Robert bring out my husband, and in least then a second he breaks his neck. I just watched two loved people die like that in my life.

Part of me knows he loves me but I know Tasha brain washed him. I don't let emotion show, I learned to let go of the ones a loved for protecting them. I know that he did not love me, I heard him say it but I didn't care as long as I wasn't alone at night I my big bed.

"Roza you will leave this world by my hands. "
With that Robert came at me, this was to easy. I stilled used the moves Dimitri taught. I will not show him my new moves until I fight him!
Well fight Dimitri just watches. I can tell he trained Robert but I'm better.
Faster and strong.
"Roza you haven't been training have you. You have no new moves, I thought you would be a challenge but nope. This well be easy." He gave me a fake disappointed look. Ugh.. That's what he thinks now.
With a fast move I hit Roberts hurt and say
"Don't ever touch my family again."
Then his eyes shut after a scream.

Pulling my stake out I look to see Eddie, battling with Dimitri. I could tell Eddie is losing so I run up to Dimitri and ....stake..
Then say
" love fades mine has to hate but I will always love you."

"That's what I was going to say" then his eyes shut.




Squeal coming soon!

Oh and there's one more chapter left of this book though.

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