What is said is what is done.

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Rose POV.

I was so pissed off and heart broken, he thinks I cheated on him! Him of all people!

I turned to him and yelled so loud I'm sure you heard it across the court.
And said " you of all people.. Think I cheated on you, I risked my life, my future and everything and you think I cheated on you?"
He was about to protest but I cut him off
"You cheated on me in my own bed, the night you were going to ask me to marry you! You went behind my back to visit that bitch and you call me a cheater...get out get out now." With that My farther and Mother and Lisa and everyone else came in and they must of heard what happen because they didn't ask any questions and my Farther seemed like he was going to ripe Dimitri in pieces.

Abe POV.

Dimitri lucky that Rose is here to hold me back or I would have ripped him to pieces before his eyes.

I knew Dimitri would hurt my Girl.. I won't let that happen again, she left to save him life from the unholy stat, gave up what she worked for, for him. He is lucky she got her future or he would be dead along time ago.


Two weeks later..

Rose POV.

I was getting into the shower and noticed the ring on my ring finger, it was bloody from the battle I just fought here at the court. Fucken dead Vampires. (Yes I didn't leave, my futures here with my Lisa)
We planed are future together. As you know.
I am no longer crying my self to bed, I moved in with Lisa and Christian and Lisa is pregnant too. We sometimes tease each other about how are kids are going to end up loving each tell their last Breath.

I still look at the ring everyday, all the time, wondering what would of happened if something different happened? Would he be here?
By my side? Like he used to be?

I miss him so much and will always love him but I can't go back to him, he hurt me to much.

Through the bond I see Lisa talking to Christian about the baby. Awe the are so cute together.
I know I will have to stop Guarding Lisa soon and she will be by my side to because we are both Pregnant and with big ass bellys.

Dimitri said he never going to give up on me the night I died because I blocked a dead Vampire..I hate them so much I can't say their name..from Lisa. But since then the bond is now stronger both ways.

Dimitri guards Christian but I'm alright with it because I'm the head of the Royal Gaurdians, thanks to Lisa. I just ignore him, because he has a job to do and I can't interfere with that, it could put someone's life in danger.
But everyday he try's but I won't listen,

I was down in the shower, and got out dried off and remember me and Dimitri, together he took my towel off me and I was naked and chased him and we all know how it ended. I found my self smiling while thinking of this.

I went to bed in one of his T-shirts he left and a pair of sweat pants.

The next morning I woke up and a chocolate glazed donut and hot coco.
I can barely move with this dang belly.
When I finished I saw Dimitri standing there, how long was he here?
I asked my self.
"Good morning Roza" he says.
Letting the "Roza " thing slip this one time. I say "good morning"
I was cleaning my mess because I dropped my cut on the floor.
When I look at my finger I hide it, before he saw and he was wearing a v neck with fit is body oh so perfectly.
I see the ring I gave him, he never took it off?
Then he came up to me and kissed me and said "do you see what you do to me? Even with the baby belly, you do things to me, you don't understand."
He pinned me to the wall and i could feel his manhood on my leg, I smirked and looked down and said
"I think I have a feeling I know"
He blushed a little and tried to go for a kiss but I haven't forgave him yet. And I don't know when I will. Or if I even will. We are going to Russia because Paul and Victoria wanted to see me and I feel bad for Dimitri, they heard what he did and are now upset with him.
I still love him but I don't know. Lisa to him about me bring shadow kissed, healed my you know and I can have babies with both races of vampires.
He been saying sorry for the last four months.


Comment what you think. I would like some feed back please. I will update soon.

Love...Fades.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon