Chapter 43: Gameplan

Start from the beginning

"How?" Marco replied.

"I literally can move stuff with my mind, I'll just unlock this door and we can walk out,"

"What will we do if the guards see us?" Mabel said as she and Dipper walked up the rest of us.

"Hope they're not stronger then us I guess,"

"Awesome!" Star cheered, back to her normal self, "Okay, lets go!"

I opened the cell door.

"I'll go out first," I whispered to them.

I peaked out and immediately made eye contact with a guard.

The deformed looking demon guard started heading towards us.

I stepped back into the cell, "Uh yeah guys, there's a guard coming,"

The guard arrived at our cell quicker then I expected. I was racking my brain about what to do when Marco pushed in front of everyone and kicked the guard in his face.

"Everyone go!" He shouted.

I ran out first followed by Star, Mabel, Dipper, and Marco ran behind us.

We turned corners and hallways. Ran up and down stairs. Basically going every direction trying to find a way out.

I saw Star pull her dimensional scissors from the corner of my eye.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Well we can't regroup and plan here, so I'm getting us out of here," She replied.

"Sounds great,"

Star opened up a portal and we all jumped in.

Landing us right back into the alleyway we started at.

Once we all got up and dusted ourselves off we began thinking of a game plan.

Dipper pulled a journal out of his jacket.

"What's that?" Star asked.

"A journal written by great uncle Ford, he knows all about this kind of stuff there's gotta be something in here," Dipper began flipping through the pages, "I'm surprised I still have it, I would've expected Bill to take it,"

"Well from what I've gathered, Bill seems to be letting a lot of other people do all the dirty work for him, so a journal probably didn't faze them," I said

"No, this journal is really important," Dipper said, "There might be a way to defeat Bill,"

Dipper sat down and frantically flipped the pages.

"Wait, wait," Mabel said stopping on a page, "What's that?"

The page was a drawing, hard to make out. It seemed as if it was only a part of a bigger picture.

"I don't know," Dipper said, "I always saw it, but I never had the other journals so-"

"We do have the other journals," Mabel interjected, "They're all at the... Mystery Shack,"

Mabel's face turned down as she realized we lost those too.

"Yeah, the Mystery Shack that's non existent thanks to Tom," Marco snapped.

I snapped my head towards him, filling up with anger.

"Well-" I began before Star placed her hand on my shoulder and looked at me.

She gave me a please-don't-do-this-now-Tom.

I took a deep breath, "You are correct Marco, I did burn down the Mystery Shack,"

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