c h a p t e r 1 5

Start from the beginning

Katniss pampered herself in the vanity chair, getting ready for tonight. She glanced through their closet, seeing what Peeta had for her. She ran her fingertips along her silk robe, attempting to figure out what she was feeling. She didn't know what to wear. An arm wrapped around her tiny waist as soft lips pecked her neck. She smiled instantly knowing it was Peeta. She whipped around, looking into those deep blue eyes that she had fallen for. She wrapped her arms around him slowly, her tongue searching for something to say.

"I really like this robe on you," he whispered, taking a full glimpse of her. She blushed, her smirk growing.

"Thank you." Her lips barely brushed against his. Leaving him whining for more.

"Katniss," he whimpered, a frown accompanying his face. She caressed his cheek with a pout.

"Poor baby. I have to finish getting ready and so should you," she said, poking his nose gently. She turned around, snatching a cute outfit. She sent him a small smirk before heading back into the bedroom. Peeta just shook his head slightly with a smile. He was in love for sure.

"You look beautiful, as always," Peeta winked as he held open the car door for her. She blushed, her heart skipping a beat. They drove down the road, Peeta was becoming anxious. What if they didn't like him? Her hand reached over to his, grasping it in her small hand.

"You'll be fine. They'll love you," she reassured him, plastering a huge smile against her face. He immediately felt refreshed. He kept her hand in his, on top of her thigh as he drove towards her family home. Katniss' family watched out the window as they pulled up, noticing the very expensive car pulling up. They looked as a very handsome man got out, then pulling open Katniss' door. She got out, smiling gently at him before planting a small kiss on his lips. Paula Everdeen, Katniss' mom, became teary eyed. She had finally found a man that respected her and was a gentleman. They scurried away from the window, Katniss and Peeta walking up along the sidewalk. Their hands were entwined with each other. Katniss knocked gently on the door, Primrose and Paisley immediately opening up the door.

"Katniss!" Primrose exclaimed, embracing her sister while Paisley stayed behind her. She was shy, especially since the first time Peeta had seen her she was throwing a fit.

"Paisley, where is my hug missy?" Katniss put her hands on her hips, attempting to glare at her little face. Paisley ran to her, leaping into her arms. Katniss kissed her cheek, holding her in her arms carefully. "Paisley, this is Peeta. You remember him, right?"

"Yes I do. Hi Peeta," she whispered softly as she shifted her head position on Katniss' chest. She laid against her chest, glancing up at Peeta with shy eyes.

"Hi Pais," he said with a bright smile then he furrowed his eyebrows. "It is okay if I call you that right?"

"Of course!" Paisley nodded her head vehemently with a big smile.

"Great. Hi Prim, it's nice to officially meet you," Peeta stated, shaking hands with Primrose who was standing against the doorframe with a smirk.

"Hi Peeta, same to you. Katniss never stops talking about you." She winked, leaving. Peeta raised his eyebrow with a slight smirk as Katniss' cheeks redden. They followed her into the house where Kale and Paula sat on the couch. Paula jumped up, bringing Katniss in a tight quick hug. Then she turned to Peeta. He handed her the bouquet of flowers a smile across his handsome face.

"Oh goodness, you didn't have to! Thank you so much Peeta," she exclaimed, throwing her arms around him. He was shocked at first but then hugged back.

"It's nice to finally meet you Mrs.Everdeen," he responded after they broke the hug. She slapped him playfully on the shoulder.

"Please call Paula! I've heard so much about you so I have a feeling you'll be officially part of this family very soon." She gave a hinting smile before walking into the kitchen. Kale came up, staring Peeta in his eyes. It was almost like Kale was challenging him.

"I'm Peeta, you must be Kale. It's nice to finally meet you," Peeta shook his firm hand. Their eyes never left each other, staring each other down. Until Kale pulled him into a brotherly hug.

"Thanks for making my sister happy. I've never seen his this happy so I'm okay with you two dating. Don't make me regret it," Kale muttered into Peeta's ear but was smiling as he watched his little sisters.

"Trust me you won't. I'm head over heels for her," Peeta replied, glancing at the beautiful lady carrying around her little sister. She set Paisley down, laughing as she ran over to Peeta. She crashed into his legs and he picked her up effortlessly. Katniss watched, a huge smile creeping along her face. Maybe one day they could have children of their own. Katniss has never seen this side of him. Kale plodded over to her, picking her up in a bone crushing hug.

"Hey lil sis!" He shouted, her giggles filling the air.

"Hey big bro!" She yelled back. He set her down, ruffling her hair but then sitting on the couch with Peeta. They chatted for a bit, watching Katniss with Paisley and Primrose yet again.

"She's going to be an amazing mother one day," Peeta mumbled to Kale. Kale nodded before taking a glimpse at him. His eyes were in awe as they filled up with love and adoration. He truly loved his little sister.

"She is. She may say she doesn't want kids, but deep down she really does," Kale added in. Peeta stood up, heading into the kitchen where Paula was cutting some vegetables.

"Hey Peeta," she said with a smile. "What brings you to the kitchen?"

"Actually, you'll be surprised," he started. She furrowed her eyebrows, begging for him to continue. "I've been baking and cooking ever since I can remember."

"What? That's crazy! Kale can't cook to save his life. Katniss is alright, but I mean she needs a little more practice," she laughed as she spoke. "I'm almost done anyway, plus you are a guest!"

"Okay," he sent her a smile, glancing back into the living room. Katniss sat, doing absolutely nothing. Yet she was still the most beautiful woman in the world. Her long brown hair was curled, the curls falling down her back. Her grey eyes shimmered and lit up when she spoke and laughed. Her lips were plump and her cheeks rose every time she giggled.

"You love my daughter, don't you?" Paula's voice snapped Peeta out of his daydream. His smile was unbreakable.

"Yes, I do. I'm planning on marrying her, with your blessing of course?" Peeta asked, worry flashed for a moment in those blue eyes. Paula's eyes pooled up with tears as she brought Peeta into a hug.

"I have never seen a more perfect couple than you two, and I have never seen her this happy since all of the events in the past. So of course, I will give you my blessing." A tear dropped from her eyes as they pulled away. "Her father would've said yes too if he was here. He would've loved you."

"Thank you so much Paula." Peeta scratched the back of his neck before continuing. "I'm sorry about your loss, that must've been the hardest."

"It was. He was my best friend. He meant everything to me and he made me really happy. I always used to hope Katniss would find that type of love one day and now she has. I see it in your relationship together, that is true love," she lectured, taking a tissue to her tears.

"Thank you. I truly do love her," Peeta stated, glancing toward a smiling Katniss in the other room. "I've loved her ever since I laid eyes on her."

+ + +
okay so i had to get something out bc i felt really bad but i've been so busy so i'm sorry :(

plus i've had writers block

ps part two of dinner will be next chapter

thank y'all, love you!
bye tributes
only love my bed and my momma

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