Proposal Fluff

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A/N: Requested by scarletsoldat! I hope you enjoy this, it was so fun to write! (Also this is probably the best idea for a Fluff I've ever heard.)

Diana shot up from the bed, a smile spreading across her face. "It's Valentines Day!" She exclaimed, shooting her arms in the air.

"Steve?" She called out, carefully getting out of their bed. Her feet patted against the cold wooden floor.

It was very rare for Steve Trevor to wake up this early. The fact that he wasn't peacefully sleeping besides her scared Diana, but she brushed the feeling away.

As Diana peered out the bedroom door and towards the stairs, her eyes caught a small square laying right on the ground.

She drifted towards it, careful not to make noise if Steve were still sleeping in a different room.

Was it . . . paper?

She frowned, her fingers curling around the thick material. "Steve?! Is this covered in anthrax?!" Diana yelled, recoiling away from the paper.

Though even if someone had laced it with poison, she wouldn't have been affected by it too much.

Sucking in a breath, Diana turned the paper in her hands.

It was a picture. A polaroid.

She gasped, her free hand covering her mouth in shock.

Diana remembered this picture, but she never would've guessed Steve had kept it. Written in big jagged handwriting was 'FIRST DATE.'

Diana and Steve had been at the park, and their smiles stretched as wide as a mile. Pure happiness. Pure happiness had been captured in this moment.

"Steve!" She tucked the special picture in the pocket of her robe. "Oh Steve, you didn't have to do this!" She shouted, hoping he could hear.

But he didn't. No one came out. No one wrapped her in a bear hug and showered her with kisses on the cheek.

"Gosh Steve . . ." Diana whispered, getting up from her squatting position on the floor. She carefully pondered over how to repay Steve.

Perhaps Diana could make him breakfast. Even if Steve didn't like any of the traditional meals she prepared, it was the only way she could thank him on such short notice.

Making her way down the stairs, Diana ran into Etta.

"Oh, Etta! Have you seen Steve?" She asked, halting in the middle of the staircase.

"No, Love. But he said he'll be back soon."

Diana widened her eyes, her mouth making a slight 'o' shape. "Really? You mean, he's not sleeping?"

Etta laughed, waving Diana away with her hand. "I wouldn't worry about it too much, it's not like he's ran away."

Shrugging her shoulders, Diana ascended down the stairs. Though she tried to be calm, something felt off. It wasn't everyday Steve got up this early, and even if he did, he wouldn't leave the house.

As she entered the kitchen, her frown disappeared. She was determined to make this Steve's best Valentine's Day yet.

Diana opened the cupboard, searching for Steve's favorite mug.

But it wasn't the mug that caught her eye. As soon as the chestnut doors opened, another one of those polaroids fell out.

She shook her head, chuckling lightly.

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