Movie fluff

710 15 6

Requested by @hellomynamea98

Modern day.

Steve smiles, placing a bag of popcorn in Dianas hands.

"My friends and I loved this franchise back when we were, what? Fourteen? Fifteen?"

Diana curls up on the couch, sipping from the Cola can she'd just gotten. "When I was fourteen, I was begging my mom to let me train. She was so protective," She replies.

His eyes turn to Diana, a smirk spreading across the edge of his mouth. "You don't talk about your home a lot."

Blushing, she trains her eyes on the popcorn. "Its boring," Diana says, suddenly defensive. "And you've already seen it. Seeing is believing."

"You sound just like my middle school science teacher..." 

Steve takes a seat next to her, wrapping his arm around her waist. 

Diana's heart flutters. She leans her face on his shoulder like she usually does. Her body feels as if it could melt down to one huge puddle of happiness.

Steve doesn't seem to notice it, instead looking transfixed on the movie.

"What movie is this?" She asks, setting the Cola down. 

"Friday the thirteenth. Part nine," He tightens his grip around Diana's waist. "Just know it's a little glory."

"A little gore never hurt anyone. I fight people for a living, I'll be fine."

Diana reaches for popcorn at the same time as Steve. 

She pauses, unsure of what to do. 

Steve locks their fingers together, squeezing her hand in his. He guides their hands out from the greasy popcorn bag, placing them in his lap. 

Startled, Diana gasp. Quietly, not much higher above a whisper. 

Steve raised an eyebrow. Looking slightly hurt, he begins to pull away.

Diana squeezes tighter out of instinct.

Chuckling, Steve keeps his hand in hers.

Diana feels her muscles tense. "Steve," she whispers. "What is he doing?" Her eyes can't seem to leave the screen, but her mind is begging her to look at something else. She drops the popcorn from her hand, her eyes going wide.

"I did tell you it'd be gory."

"You didn't say someone would be eating someone's heart!" Diana tries to be mad but she can't help yet laugh. Relaxing, she leans closer into Steve.

His heart was beating normally. He's not scared in the slightest. Diana made sure to take that into account next time she considered fighting with him.

Steve rest one arm across the couch, the other hugging Diana, keeping her pressed against his chest.

"Diana I wish we could do this more often," he murmured.

Diana grabs another straw, jamming it into her cola. "Yep. Same here."

Steve carefully turns his gaze from the TV. He smiles, his eyes dancing as they look Diana up and down. "And what would you be doing?"

Embarrassed, Diana pushed the Cola away from her. "Nothing. I was just bored." She withered like a flower, her once calmness now replaced with jittery emotions.

Steve reached out, pausing the movie. 

"Yeah, skip over that part," Diana said nodding her head violently.

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