Zoo Fluff

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A/N: GAHHHHH! THANK YOU SO MUCH didy_zak5 FOR THE SUPPORT AND ALL THE VOTES!!!! :D Thank you! You were one of the first people to find this book and I'm so grateful to have a reader as kind as you! :)

Diana's fingers traced the map carefully.

The problem was that there were so many options. This place was filled to the brim with animals of all sorts.

"Woah Steve...How'd they get so many creatures?"

"Meh, they had lots of money. We can look at the butterflies first, if you want."

She twisted the cap off her water bottle with a grin. "Butterflies?!" She repeated, her eyes sparkling. How could she have possibly missed them on the map?

"Yeah. Butterflies. You know, the little colorful things that fly around and like landing on your nose."

Diana squealed, causing a few heads to turn.

"You really think they'll let us in to see them?" She took a small sip of the water with excitement.

"It's open to the public," Steve replied with a chuckle. "Although I think they have a new policy...No Amazon's allowed, if I'm correct."

"Oh stop it!" The water spilled out while she opened her mouth.

"I'm serious! Why would they let you in if you can't even keep your drink in your mouth!" He exclaimed, squeezing her hand.

"Because I appreciate the animals!" Diana giggled, the map falling from her hands.

"And humans do too! In fact, I heard the butterflies themselves enjoy human scent more than Amazonian scent!"

"I don't have a scent!" She kneeled down to grab the paper.

"Sure you do," He nudged her with a tiny smile. "You smell like the ocean, and roses, and maybe even the butterflies!"

"I smell like the Cheetos we just shared in the car!"

"See? You do have a scent. Don't worry, I love Cheetos."

He leaned in, almost toppling over. "I love Cheeto girls," he sniffed her face, his tongue sticking out to lick her.

"You beast!" Diana pushed away, her smile never once wavering. "You seriously want to lick me?"

Steve shrugged as if it were normal. "I'm craving chips," He took her finger, lifting it up to his mouth.

He chopped his teeth together loudly.

"Ew! First smelling, then licking, and now chewing! I'm afraid you belong with the lions!"

"But do the lions have a heart of gold?" Steve lightly kissed the ring she kept on her pinky.

Diana didn't have an answer to that. They probably did.

Surprisingly, her blush didn't appear.

Their kisses no longer shocked her like before. All she had was a feeling of bubbles exploding each time he showed his love for her.

"Off to the butterflies we go!" Diana yelled a little too loudly.

Her smile may not have fallen, but her calmness did. She was a jittery mess of nerves.

Why was Diana so nervous? She felt ready to pop open like a jack-in-the-box.

"Do you ever want to fly?" Diana suddenly asked.

"All the time. But you know, someone can't be bothered to give me a ride in the invisible jet!" He playfully complained, taking the map from her hands.

"Maybe no humans are allowed in the je--Great Hera!"

"What? What is it?" Steve jumped in front of his girlfriend. "Does someone have a weapon?" He looked left and right, his arms blocking Diana from moving.

"The butterflies look stunning..." She felt as if she were floating in heaven. Awe filled every ounce of her.

A thin glass was the only thing stopping her from getting in that room. It was bright, colorful, and a fountain was right smack dab in the middle of the palace.

"How did you find this place?" She gasped, tugging at his hand while they headed for the precious animals.

"On a little something called the Google Maps."

"Ah," In truth she had no idea what that was, but it sounded good.

In no time they were face to face with the fountain.

"Do you come here often?" Diana breathed, lifting two fingers up.

A blue butterfly landed on the edge of her fingertips.

"It's calming. Sometimes when I'm stressed I'll come here. I can never swipe out that Snow white thing you just did and get them to stay on me though."

She headed over to a highly populated area.

"All you have to do is hold out two fingers. They'll come to you when they're ready." She took a deep breath, then placed her fingers back at her sides.

"Woah...You're magical," Steve breathed.

Diana only nodded with a smile. "This exhibit is so cool...I mean, do you think the butterflies like it here?"

"Perhaps," He linked his arm through hers. "If they weren't happy to be meeting you, I don't know what gives them enjoyment."

She giggled with glee. "And you said no Amazons were allowed!"

"Shh! You can't let them know we sneaked you in!" He looked both ways to check if anyone had heard. "You guys aren't allowed here because the animals only hang around you! No one else gets to have fun with them!" He whisper-shouted.

"I didn't know  I was worthy of all the butterflies."

Steve shrugged, leading her over to a bench. "You are. You're worth everything you get. I mean you were created from the gods!" He closed his eyes thoughtfully. "I was only kidding, Amazons are allowed," He lowered his voice.

"You think I still can't handle a joke? I've learned to live the American way," She rested her head on his shoulder. 

"American, huh?"


She placed her hand on top of Steve's slowly. Taking a deep breath, she looked over at the butterflies. "Look, two of them are flying together."

Steve looked up. 

It was true, passing right over them was the flying creatures. Almost as if they were Steve and Diana in a different form. The way they soared through the sky everywhere, how each one took turns leading the pair, it was exactly like them.

"You really do know how to find a connection in everything," He commented.

The couples eyes never left the butterflies. Even when they tore apart, in a matter of seconds they were back alongside each other.

"Nothing can keep them away from the other," She whispered. "Nothing can keep us away from each other."

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