Pregnant Fluff

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A/N: Ello! This was requested by @bucky-stan! Thanks for the request :)

Diana fiddled with her thumbs, her breath shaky. How in the world was she supposed to tell Steve what the doctor had said? Wasn't there someway she could hide the baby from Steve? Couldn't she raise it without him knowing?


He was smart enough to realize another person suddenly moved in with them.

Steve burst open the door, snowy footsteps trailing behind him. "You said it was important?!" He took a seat besides her. "Please tell me you're not hurt."

"Oh Steve, I'm fine. I mean...Something happened to me. But I'm not hurt," Diana quickly assured. "And even if  do get sick, it won't be that bad."

"Get sick? Did you forget to wash your hands before a meal?" He sighed with a shake of his head. "You'll be fine."

The Amazon laughed, squeezing his hand lightly. "I wish it were that simple!" She exclaimed.

Perhaps telling him wouldn't be too bad. Perhaps he would be incredibly understanding. He may even be excited to be a father.

Puzzled, Steve leaned in closer. "You're safe then? You're fine?"

"The doctor said I'll be sick."

"The doctor? What? I'm not catching on." 

"I went to the doctor two days ago. He told me I'd be sick," She repeated. "That  I could even get diabetes. I tried to ask him what that was but I have no idea."

She hadn't had a clue on anything the doctor had said. It took them a good twenty minutes for her to finally understand what having a baby meant. And how she had gotten pregnant? Diana would never know.

"Diabetes!" Steve exclaimed. "What doctor did you go to, Sylvia Browne! Matter of fact she isn't even a doctor! Please tell me your joking," He held her gaze.

"I'm perfectly okay. For now at least. It's pretty early on and—"

Before she could finish Steve pecked her cheek with a smile. "Haha you got me. Did you call me over so I could spend more time with you? Diana, it would have been okay for you to just ask."

"Yeah, that's part of it." She cocked her head to the side. "Steve I would tell you everything if I could but I'm as clueless as you when it comes to this!"

"Hey. Don't get mad. I'm sure I know a tiny bit more than you do on this. I hate to see you so frustrated." He got up and hugged her. "Just explain what you know."

"I know a living creature is growing inside my stomach," She softened, leaning her head on his shoulder. "And I know that we both created them. And I know I'll be sick. But that's it."

Steve's jaw dropped. His arms fell to his sides.

"I...I think I really don't know anything about that..." He finally said, still shocked.

"You're disgusted? Oh god please tell me you're not!" She begged, tears filling her eyes. "I swear I'll do whatever I can to make you happy! It will be easy! It's better than you think! Please Steve please!"

Finally, Steve chuckled. "Disgusted? I'm actually kinda proud. Of you. Of us. Diana you're a mom!" He cupped her face in his hands. "This baby will be the best thing that's every happened to us. Trust me."

"So you'll help me raise it?" She squeaked.

"I would never ever leave you. We're in this together. For life."

"You mean...Having a baby is normal? Is that how you were created?"

"Not everyone was molded from a piece of clay! Not everyone got magical gifts from the gods!" He yelled with a laugh. "The rest of us came from someone's stomach, Yes."


When the doctor described this to her, Diana had been so lost. Now she was finally grasping something. This was a normal thing.

Steve felt her stomach. "One day you'll be able to feel the baby kick. To feel it move. And one of these days we'll hold it in our arms..."

Diana wiped a stray tear. "But how? How will they come out of my stomach?"

"That's just how mother nature created you girls," He hugged her stomach. "You're growing another life in here. Right in here."

She shook her head. "But will it be painful?"

"Have you not understood that you're a Amazon? If you do get sick, nothing too bad will happen."

Diana warmed up to this idea, her anxieties washing away for a moment. "Wow..." She breathed, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

Steve pulled away, a starstruck awe on his face. He couldn't believe his eyes.

"I seriously didn't even think it was possible for us to have kids!" He crossed his arms, nodding peacefully. "I must be the first man to impregnate an Amazon, correct?"

"Oh Steve, you men are always wanting to take credit for something or another!" She threw back her head, too exhausted to even think of swatting at his arm.

"That's just how we roll."

She sniffled slightly. "This means I can't fight?"

"I'd hope not. You really want to jump around and be the hero everyone wants while you have a baby? Just think of what that'd feel like. Everyone needs a break now and then. Take it easy."

"I will," She promised, twisting her pinkie around his. "Pinkie swear."

"I pinkie swear, too. That this baby will be a blessing. We'll give them the best life. We'll take care of them no matter what challenges we face. And we'll love them. More than we've ever loved anything."

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