Naïve Fluff (New Years)

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A/N: Time flies by! Do you guys like the new cover for this book? :) Sorry for no recent updates! I'll be writing a ton more this upcoming weekend :D

Steve tickled Diana lightly. "That was so naïve of you," He said with a chuckle.

Diana furrowed her brows, yet she couldn't hide her smile. "Was I?" She took a small sip from the sparkling apple juice Steve had bought them moments ago.

"You've got to have some of this Champagne," He told her, pouring some into the thin glass.

The superhero only shook her head, her smile getting wider by the minute. 

"We still have to wait ten minutes for 2018!"

"Ten minutes," Steve repeated, muting the small television. "What's your word for 2018 going to be?" 

"A word? It's going to be two thousand and eighteen!" She exclaimed, hooting with laughter. "You Americans are so crazy."

Steve sighed, twinkling with happiness. "No Wonder Woman, I mean a word. Like something you are, I guess. For example," He placed his arm around her shoulders, "Last year my word was doubt."

"What do you think it should be for me then, old wise one," She teased, taking a small sip from her glass.

It was obviously bigger than Steve's.

"How about 'naïve'?" He suggested. Sneaking a sip from her glass, he snapped the show back on. "Mine will be 'love.'"

Love seemed like an odd choice to Diana, but her boyfriend looked proud. As if this was the best way he could show his affection.

"Uh sure."

"Uh sure?" Steve boomed with mock anger. "It took me a good week to decide on that!"

"A week!" Bursting into a fit of snickers. "That is downright the worst thing you've said this whole time we've been together! Is that your idea of a pick up line!" Her eyes filled with tears--the good kind. This was the most she'd enjoyed herself the whole year.

"Oh I'm the one that's bad at pick up lines?" He challenged with equal enjoyment. "Didn't you tell me my eyes Poseidon?"

"Because they are!" She replied, her smile as big as her voice. "They're even bluer than him!"

Steve began to hum softly.

"Yo listen up here's a story about a little guy that lives in a blue world," Diana quietly sang along with his melody.

That had been the first song she'd heard in America. He had been so bent on having her listen to it, claiming that it was one of the best songs ever.

Now Diana couldn't go a week without singing it to herself.

"We're still going to do this in 2018?" She asked, a glimmer of hope flashing in her eyes.

These small things that made their relationship so special were what Diana loved. They didn't have to be like everyone else. If bursting into song and singing about a blue little alien was there thing, then so be it.

"What year have we not sang this?"

Diana sat up, pushing the bag of greasy potato chips away. "I think naïve just may be my word for the year. It's certainty better than love."

"You're saying love isn't important?"

"I'm just saying it's to generic." Her gaze lingered on his eyes for a moment too long. "I mean, think of everyone else that has chosen that word. And it took you a week to come up with it!"

He pushed his lips against hers.


It was soft and warm. A feeling of comfort sparked up in Diana's body.

"Happy new year, Diana," He murmured softly, falling back into his prior position. "2018 will only be here one time."

Diana had never thought of it that way. Which surprised her, because usually it was her that said those type of things.

"Yes, I suppose you're correct. That's why we have to make the most of it. And we have to laugh. A lot," She strictly ordered. 

"Of course," Steve agreed, placing his strong hands in hers. "What would life be if we didn't laugh?"

He hadn't really been asking, that was just something to say.

When Diana asked something, she would seriously ask.

Jumping up, she swung back and forth softly. "These lies don't hip," She remarked with a smirk.

"Is that so?" Steve didn't bother to correct her English. He moved his body the same way as she did, only his moves weren't as graceful.

They rocked in the same way for what seemed like hours. Lean in, then lean out. Or turn left, then right.

Steve had wrapped his arms around Diana's waist. Though she didn't admit it, the blush on her cheeks made it obvious to tell. She was enjoying this whole experience.

"Why don't we dance more often?"

"Maybe because I can't dance,"  Steve pushed the two inward and outward. "But when you do, no one even notices me. Those are some Shakira moves right there." 

Pushing away, Steve grabbed the small glass with a smile.

"Diana Prince, here's to another wonderful year." He breathed, clicking his glass against hers.

"And many more to come!" She stopped swaying to the beat of the song coming from their television. 

"Ten," Steve's voice was loud. It sent shivers down Diana's spine.

"Nine," The girl said in return, her glass still pointed at the air.

"Eight," His own glass was only inches from hers. 

"Seven," She could feel his breath hitting her chest lightly.

"Six," He was now quieter. As if the number six was softer than the other ones. And in a way, it did seem like that.

"Five," She lowered his voice to be the same tone as his. The last thing she wanted was to ruin the mood by yelling.

"Four," A smile found it's way back on his face.

"Three," Diana's heart thumped in her chest. It was like she was chanting.

"Two," He moved the glass a centimeter closer to the superhero's.

"One!" They shouted at the same time, clicking their glasses together. A big whoop came from the TV, but all Diana could hear was the sound of pure fun from her and her partner.

Taking a big gulp, Diana smiled. 

Steve looked tired, but the longer Diana stared at his face, the longer she knew it would take her to fall asleep.

Plopping back on the couch, the pair finished down their drinks.

"Naïve," Diana repeated the word the same way she had heard it so many times. Her lips curled in a particular way.

"Love," Steve added.

Maybe love wasn't so bad of a word after all.

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