Thanksgiving fluff

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A/N: Anyone know how old Steve Trevor is? For the sake of this story we'll say 27. Thank you everyone for the reads, votes, and comments. It means the world to me and I'm so happy you stumbled upon this book! I really loved writing this chapter most out of the first five, and I hope you guys enjoy it as well! Before this gets too cheesy, I'll let you enjoy the story :) 

Etta juggled the piles of bags in her hands. She was exhausted from all the shopping Steve and her had did.

Steve chuckled, gabbing another bag from her pile. "You'll love Diana. It's too bad we couldn't have a real Thanksgiving this year." He sighs, picking up the pace on the cobblestone sidewalk.

Etta tried her hardest to catch up, one of the bags nearly falling out from her grip. "It's fine Steve. We've had twenty six 'real' Thanksgiving dinners. You seem to be very fond of Diana, you'll enjoy this Thanksgiving as much as every other one."

Steve shifted the groceries from one hand to the other. He carefully rings the doorbell.

Diana rushes over, opening the door. The smell of ham engulfed the nostrils of everyone outside, a timer going off.

"Oh Steve!" She plants a kiss on his cheek, grabbing all the groceries from his hands. "I'm so glad you could get all the ingredients!" She runs back to the kitchen, grabbing Steve by the hand.

"Hey, wait!" Etta places her foot in the door frame, dropping the bags from her hands. Biting her lip in frustration, she storms in behind everyone else.

Diana looks behind. "Oh. You have a sister?" She ask, opening the oven door. 

Etta crosses her arms. "Thanks for noticing," she replies sharply. "I'm a friend of Steve's."

"Ah, that makes more sense." Diana places the huge turkey next to her ham. "What's your name?"

Steve mixes the cookie batter, his face engulfed with anger. "Her name is Etta Candy." He lowers his voice so that only Etta can hear.

"Cut the sass, Etta."

Diana nods her head, her smile wavering. "Thanksgiving is cool," she mumbles. "We should celebrate it on Themyscira."

"Themascara?" Etta ask, plopping into a seat at the table.

"Themyscira, it's the island I grew up on," she explains. 

Steve wipes the sweat for rom his forehead. "Etta where are your groceries?"

Diana frowns. "Steve you added one and a half cups of sugar! It's only half a teaspoon!" 

"Because I'm not a chef!" Steve yelled, a smile forming across his lips. "How do you know how to cook anyways? I didn't think they had Cupcake Wars in Themyscira."

Diana giggled, letting her spoon fall on the table. "They didn't. I must just be natural."

Steve kissed her forehead, pressing her close.

Etta gagged. The cheesiness was unbearable at this point. "Don't you think this is getting to be a tiny bit cliche?"

The look Steve gave Etta told her to shut up. 

Diana didn't notice the tension between the two, she just took this as what normal friends did. Pulling away from Steve, she wiped her hands on her apron. "Looks like we won't be having cookies this year." Clapping her hands together, she thought for a moment. "Perhaps we could have some of the leftover banana pudding..."

Etta got up from her chair, walking over to the counter. "Diana you may be over-working yourself here," She said, ignoring the looks Steve shot at her. "Maybe you should go relax. Steve and I can do the cooking."

sweet dreams|wondertrev fluffOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora