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it had been four days since they had found out ryan was in a coma. the majority had been told by their parents that they had to go back to school. but brendon hadn't. he tried to go to school on tuesday, but he just couldn't go through the whole day knowing that his best friend was in a hospital bed, pretty much on the verge of life or death. dallon still hadn't turned up. he was supposed to get there on monday, but his mum had kept refusing. even his dad hadn't been able to convince his wife to let dallon see his childhood best friend. she strongly believed that school work was more important, and that dallon would not ruin his education for someone he hadn't physically seen in years.

dallon's dad was seriously planning on driving dallon over to LA instead of taking dallon to councelling, but had decided against it. instead, he planned on telling his wife that he'd pick dallon up from the school tomorrow, and let dallon spend the weekend over there. it was the best thing that he could do. dallon didn't like it, but if it was the only way that he was going to be able to see ryan, he'd go along with it.

brendon went to see ryan everyday. the others would bring him food after school. if they were being honest, they were getting worried about brendon. they were all missing their best friend, but brendon wasn't taking care of himself. and he needed to. he rarely ate breakfast, and when he did, it was a mcdonald's drive thru breakfast. it wasn't healthy. and it wasn't as if his parents could stop him. they'd tried to, but he'd just leave the house before they woke up. brendon just wasn't brendon anymore. he was a wreck. and it was getting hard to deal with. he was there so often that the nurses knew him by first name. 

"brendon?" a nurse walked into the ward, careful not to make brendon jump. she waited until he lifted his head as acknowledgement before continuing. "okay, we need you to leave. i'm sorry, it will only be for a bit, i promise. we just need to run a couple of tests on ryan. we want to move him to a ward with someone else too, because this is essentially one of the emergency rooms, and we need to move him out, as he doesn't seem to be in a critical condition any longer. this will take half an hour if we decide to keep him here, and a little longer if we move him. again, i'm sorry. please may you wait in the reception room?"

brendon just nodded and stood up. he should probably grab a coffee anyways - it would keep him awake for longer. besides, he hadn't really been sleeping, and although it had only been four days, he was struggling to stay awake during the day. he didn't really like a bad sleep schedule, but he always ended up with one, and he'd have to bare with a really fucked up one for a while. because ryan would wake up. he would. 

brendon's phone went off then, breaking his train of thought. sighing, he took it out of his pocket. it was spencer. he debated whether to answer it or not, and decided against it. he didn't really want to talk to anyone right now. he didn't think that he could speak to anyone without crying a little. and brendon didn't want to show that to people. he'd always been the stronger one of the group - cheering up the others when they got sad - it hadn't ever really been the other way around. oh, how the tables had turned.

a couple of minutes later, brendon's phone went off again. it was spencer again. he knew he should answer it. but he really didn't want to. he thought for another few seconds, before finally accepting the call, and bringing the phone to his ear. once the call connected, he could already hear a couple of voices coming from the other end. great, the majority of the group were probably there. it was their school lunch break after all.

"hey bren. how are you holding up?" spencer asked, shushing the rest of the group. brendon just sighed and shook his head, before realising that spencer was on the other end of the phone, not in front of him. 

"i- i think i'm alright. just tired as hell." brendon replied, trying to act a little more cheerful than he was feeling. he really didn't want to talk for a long time - he just really wasn't up to it. too much effort for him right now.

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