
2.4K 85 150

pepe: we are allowed on our phones yay

pepe: this is great

pepe: just what i had planned

pattycake: the cover teacher is such a

pepe: guacamole

pattycake: oh

fronk: art is boring

geewhiz: aRT IS gR8 fiTE mE

fronk: i can't just leave the classroom

fronk: what lesson are you in anyway

geewhiz: free period m8888

frohman: i h8 u m8

princess andy: 88888888888888888888888

breadslice: 666

princess andy: o

frohman: why do we have to sketch pictures in pen

frohman: it's doodling

halsey: isn't that illegal in school

melmart: i'm supposed to be in science but the teacher just sent me out to get stuff from the printer but it's broken? 

dadlon: haha i don't even go to your school i'm on lunch break

halsey: screw you 

milkyway: hello

milkyway: HELLO

my name will be phil lester soon: scrambled microwave

danisnotonfire is dead ok: egg

fronk: blended geeeeee wayyyy

geewhiz: fronk potty iero pitt

pepe: farting corn shells

pattycake: corn dogs

geewhiz: fat spud sack

pepe: rip my pen 2k17

breadslice: omg same twin funeral

pepe: we are gathering here today to mark remembrance for the pens jonathon and mary at this tragic time

breadslice: 2k17-2k17 RIP

dadlon: oh

melmart: hello goose

halsey: poop sack

melmart: panda

halsey: credit cards on the scanner

melmart: whoops you left it in there let me just steal that pls and thank

a/n also a conversation i had with the same friend but in art and just after school so yay fun do you feel violated yet because i sure do and i said half of this stuff i promise that there will be gay soon i just haven't written it yet btw none of them are together but dan and phil basically say they are

i have exams this whole week why 

i promise that this will have plot lines

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