seventeenth email back.

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dedicated to justine (writeful) for starting #AspenGetThyAssBackHere a few chapters ago, and it's been a cute trend in the comments, and never ceases to make me smile!


to: aspen
from: sam (with lane's email.)
subject: i hope you know what you've done.

seventeenth email back.

lane is a fucking mess and it's your fucking fault.

i'm not buying this whole "woe is me," shit you're pulling.

lane loves you more than anything and i know you love him.

and i know you.

you wouldn't hurt lane if you could help it.
so what is this shit?

i spent almost everyday with you for two months aspen,
i saw the way he'd gaze at you like you were the most important thing in the world.
the way you'd stare at him, with adoration, and something else.


now i know you were doubting yourself, not him.

you need to get off your whiny, self-hating ass and get the fuck back here so lane will get back to normal.

he's not even fucking sleeping aspen.
he's not eating and he barely talks.
whenever he comes over his eyes are red-rimmed and his under-eyes are puffy.

he's broken without you aspen.

you either need to come back or let him go completely.

you can't keep leading him on, and giving him false hope.

he's acting like a shell of the person he used to be.
he's not snarky, or rude, and the only annoying thing about him is how much he mopes around.
that's not him aspen.

he thinks you're going to walk in that door any second;
and if you're not,
you need to make sure he knows that.

you need to make a choice aspen;

and you need to stick with it.

-sam h.



i was gonna wait until tomorrow morning to post this, but i couldn't resist!

sorry, but i love sam, always have, always will.

OH AND IMPORTANT: for anyone who didn't know (and wowie there were a lot of you), sophia is lane's niece! ivy's daughter! it was mentioned in 'letters to you,' so if you didn't read that, then this is me telling you!

650-675 votes for sammy's email!

please vote and comment! :)

ps sorry for the messed up line spacing!

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