chapter 28

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Erika's POV:

Drew had me sitting in his room and I had never felt so terrified about what was about to happen next. I felt so uncomfortable and all I wanted was Jake to protect me and keep his arms around me. But I can't really gaurantee he's going to find me. I mean... I did tell him off when I said I'd go to the store by myself. He has no idea and I really regret not letting him come with me but I was just partially upset because he had finished the milk when he knows Jax always has milk in the morning. Suddenly I was interrupted by Drew placing his hand on cheek. I looked up at him and he had this smile on his face which kind of terrified me.

Drew: I've been wanting to do this for awhile.
Erika: Do what? Kidnap me?
Drew: Haha, no... This..

He grabbed both of my arms and forced them onto the bed so that he has full control over me. He leaned down and kissed me, I kicked my feet to tell him to get off me but he didn't get the memo. He was much stronger than I was and I had no chance. I gave in, he kissed me and I just gave up on trying. He was too strong and there wasn't anything I could do. I just laid there and let him kiss me at this point. I didn't kiss back and didn't show any emotion. He finally stopped kissing my lips and I felt such a relief that it was over and that he had stopped placing his dirty lips on mine. Just when I thought he had finished, I felt his lips touching the skin on my neck. I looked down at him and he continued as he forcefully held me down against the bed.

Erika: Stop it, please!
Drew: Don't worry, babe. You'll enjoy it as much as I do.

I looked at him and just felt a load of hatred building up inside me. I wasn't going to enjoy this because I knew what was coming... He then ran his lips closer to my chest area and lifted up my shirt forcefully and throws it on the floor. I had never felt so uncomfortable in my life. I had this huge emotion of disgust just built in me. I wanted to be protected. I needed to be protected. I needed Jake. Drew unbuttons my shorts as he does his own and slides my shorts right off. He then places his hands on my waist and holds a tight grip on them, making it hard for me to get his hands off of me. I continued to try and pull his fingers off of my waist one by one but it was just so hard it had felt impossible. He then held me down against the bed tightly and kissed down my stomach which had made me cringe a bit. Minutes later all of my clothes were off and his pants were down. I looked at him and he just had this smirk on his face. He grabbed me and forcefully let him self enter me. I just laid there, looking up at him. Feeling no pleasure. I was traumatized. I laid there and began to form tears in my eyes. He continued to thrust and stroke and was enjoying myself while I just laid there, not saying a word and nothing coming out of my mouth. I was so sick of this, he was so sick for doing this. And all I did was just cry as I knew there was nothing I could do. His strength overpowered mine and that's what bothered me the most. I couldn't save or help myself. I needed Jake.

Jake's POV:

It's been a couple days since Erika hasn't come back. It's so hard already and it hasn't been too long. Jax keeps asking where mommy is at and I wish I knew because I'm beyond worried for her safety. I had called the police and all they said is that they'll see what they can do. They said it's still too early for them to look for her. I just wanted to punch them in their faces. They need to look for Erika!! I can't take myself to even go out the house. But I still vlog so that I don't worry my fans. They have been asking about what happened to Erika and I wish I knew. I wish I could tell them the situation but I just feel like it'll make things worse for some reason. They shouldn't have to worry about us. All I could do was act like everything was okay and tell them that Erika was on a trip or something and will be back soon. I really wish it was true, but it wasn't. These past few days and nights, I've just basically stayed in my room when I had the chance and time to myself. I swear I felt the worse and I felt so bad. I laid my back against the wall and slid down it to sit. All I needed was piece and quiet. That's what I always got. When I got piece and quiet all I could do was worry about Erika and think about her. I mean what else could I do? I haven't had any ways to communicate with her. Right now, I wish I could be there to protect her and be her savior and her refuge. I swear when I find out where she is or find out any tiniest bit of information, I will go after her. And I'm not going to stop. Erika is the love of my life. I don't want to lose her. I can't lose her. I've already done so once before and life just didn't feel right. Life wasn't right without her in it. I need her more than ever.. Just then... I got a text.

[SORRY DONT HATE ME FOR WHAT HAPPENED IN THIS CHAPTER!! And I'm also sorry that I updated late. I've been sick (I still am) and I had to do all this make up work. Ily guys! Sorry I was late!]


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