chapter 9

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Jake's POV:

I hated the fact that Erika didn't want to see me anymore. All I want to do is be around her. I miss her and now that she's back.. Its like.. I don't know.. I was eating my breakfast while still thinking of everything. Its been a few days now and Erika and I haven't spoken. And I just want that to change.. I just stood there, eating and flooding my brain with all these thoughts. They then shortly got interrupted.

Alissa: Hey, babe. (goes over to Jake and kisses him on the lips)
Jake: Hey.

Alissa then picked up my vlog camera and turned it on, pointing it to herself. "Gooooood morning Jake Paulers!!! Today..." I quickly get in the camera view and chuckle a bit. "Hey Alissa! This is my vlog! You go do your own!!" She laughed and stuck her tongue out at me as the camera was at both of us now. I stopped eating my breakfast for a moment and reached for my camera but she pulled it away. She got up and looked at the camera, still talking to them as my intro. I then got up and immediately wrapped my arms around her and reached for the camera which I finally got my hands on. I began my real intro with Alissa by my side and kissed her on the lips real quick on camera as I turned off my vlog camera once I finished my intro. She looks at me and smiles and I just then can't help but smile back. She makes me happy... She does, and I do love her.. But spending time with Erika the other night.. Looking into her beautiful big green eyes.. I may love Alissa. But I'm in love with Erika...

Alissa: Jake!
Jake: (jolts his head up and looks at Alissa) Yeah?
Alissa: Are you okay?
Jake: Yeah.. I'm fine. Listen, I gotta go do something real quick. I'll try to come back as soon as possible. (kisses Alissa on her forehead and rushes out the door)

Instagram: @lomfljerika

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