chapter 3

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Erika's POV:

Right now, I'm with Tessa and Jax at her dance show since she wanted me to come and well... I had nothing better to do and I'm always here to support her. I walked in, while holding Jax up against myself and went off to find Tessa. I finally spotted her and walked straight over.

Erika: Hey, T.
Tessa: (hugs Erika) Yay, you came!
Erika: Well I didn't have much to do and plus I've always wanted to see you perform.
Tessa: I'm just happy you and Jax came. (she says excitedly and with a huge smile on her face)

We walked over to her dressing room and we sat down.

Erika: Is Anthony coming?

We then heard a knock on the door.

Tessa: Yep. I'm pretty sure that's him.

She got up and went over to the door and opened it slightly. I look at Jax as he walks around the room. I then notice Tessa closing the door really quick, telling Tony to give her a moment and looks at me.

Tessa: Erika!
Erika: (looks up at her) Yeah?
Tessa: Jake's here.

I didn't know what to think. I wasn't ready to face him or see him.. I look at Tessa and widen my eyes.

Erika: Wait, what? Really?
Tessa: Yes! I'm not messing with you, he's really here! He's like literally out in the hall with Anthony vlogging.. I literally didn't know he was coming. If I did I wouldn't have told you to come for me.
Erika: Its okay... But, I don't think I can do this.

I stand up and look at Jax, slightly panicking and seriously nervous.

Erika: I'm not ready to see him, I've got to get out. Like seriously...
Tessa: You have to face him one day, though.. But fine, I'll just tell Tony I'll just see him after the performance for you.
Erika: Thanks, T. You're really the best!

I then saw her open the door slightly and speak to Anthony then close the door once she was done. She looked at me and I picked up Jax, holding him up against me.

Erika: I'm sorry Tessa... Jake's here, and I'm not ready to see him yet.
Tessa: Its alright.
Erika: I think I'm just gonna go..
Tessa: Alright, Erika. I get it. (she's goes over and hugs Erika)

After she hugged me, I left the building trying so carefully not to be noticed by Anthony or Jake. I successfully made it to the car and headed home. I thought to myself... When am I ever going to be ready to face him? There'll never really be a good time or right time. Maybe I should've just faced him right then and there. But I don't know... I just couldn't.

Instagram: @lomfljerika

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