chapter 10

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Erika's POV:

I was in the living room with Jax and Tessa when we heard the doorbell ring. I got up and answered the door to find Jake standing right in front of me. I quickly step out of the house and close the door behind me.

Erika: Jake.. What are you doing here?
Jake: Why can't we be friends?
Erika: Because I don't want to.
Jake: But why not? We've been close friends since we've known eachother, Rik. What's the problem? I miss being around you and talking to you everyday like how it use to be in high school. I miss you.
Erika: Well we're not in high school anymore, Jake.

I look at him and turn to reach for the door knob. He grabs my hand and makes me look at him.

Jake: Stop. Don't go.
Erika: I don't want to be friends, Jake.
Jake: But why??! Why can't we be friends?

I was getting a bit upset at this point.. And I just wanted this conversation to be over and I just couldn't hold my feelings in as well..

Jake: (looks at Erika) Because what????!!!
Erika: (takes a loud sigh and looks at Jake) Because Jake... Everytime I look at you, all I want to do is kiss you. Everytime I'm with you, I just want to be all over you. And... (looks into Jake's eyes) Everytime I look into your fucking eyes...
Jake: (looks into Erika's eyes)
Erika: (continues to look into his eyes) Everytime I look into your eyes... I just want to tell you, I love you. And never let you go. I want to be yours. I can't be your friend. We can't be friends because I'm still fucking in love with you, Jake! (her eyes begin to get watery as she looks at Jake) But you have Alissa, once again. And that hurts, and that fucking kills me inside. And you don't even know how much it really does just make me fall apart.. But I can't fall apart, because I have to be strong for the people around me.

He just stood there.. Silent.. I looked at him once more and turned around, reaching for the door knob once again.. But then he spoke up.

Jake: Erika, wait...
Erika: (Turns to face Jake slowly)
Jake: (grabs Erika's face and leans in and then stops)

Jake's POV:

I don't know why I did it... Why I grabbed her face.. I leaned in, and then I stopped just inches away from her lips. I looked into her beautiful big green eyes and could see tears forming into her eyes. I wanted to kiss her so bad, I really did. But I knew it was wrong so I couldn't. I didn't want to do that to Alissa, I don't wanna do that to anybody.. I know how much it hurts to be cheated on. And I'd never wish that upon anybody. But I just continued staring at her.. I wanted to let go but, I just couldn't. I missed staring into her eyes sparkling each time she stared at me.

Erika: J...Jake... What are you doing?

She spoke softly, as her voice began cracking a bit.. I didn't know what I was doing. I have a girlfriend. I can't be thinking like this, or doing this. I looked her in the eyes once more and quickly let go of her face and for some reason.. Just ran away, going to my car. I saw her, looking at me confused with sadness in her eyes as she walked back into her home.

Instagram: @lomfljerika

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