chapter 17

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Erika's POV:

I was holding Jax in my arms as Tessa and I both walked downstairs to the kitchen. We walk in to the boys vlogging, we continue with what we're doing but try to stay out of the camera.. At least, I do with Jax. Tessa goes over to Anthony and kisses him good morning while he vlogs then comes back to where I was at. I make Jax some pancakes and give him some milk and place it on the table for him to eat. Tessa and I lay back against the counter tops as Jax eats.

Tessa: How do you like it here?
Erika: It's great honestly.

I smile at her and she smiles back. The boys finally put down their vlogs and then Jake comes over to talk to me.

Jake: You up to do something tonight? With Jax.
Erika: Sure... What are we gonna do?
Jake: Its a surprise, but I'm sure you guys will enjoy it... At least, I hope. And dress casual.

Jake's POV:

I had finished vlogging for the day so I went to get ready. I put on a shirt and some shorts then went downstairs to get everything ready. Once I had everything together, I put it in my car and then went back inside to wait for Erika and Jax. They finally come down after about 10 minutes. Jax holds Erika's hand as she walks towards me.

Jake: You ready?
Erika: (looks down at Jax then up at Jake) Yup.. Now will you tell me where we're going?
Jake: I said its a surprise.
Erika: Okay...

I pick up Jax and carry him to the car and put him in his seat once we have reached there. I buckle him in and then open the car door for Erika as I close the car door for Jax. Erika gets in and I then close the door for her then head to my side and get in and start heading towards the location. I pull up and park the car and look at Erika.

Erika: (smiles at Jake) So your big surprise is taking us to the hollywood sign?
Jake: Well... I mean, kinda... But there's more.

I turn on the headlights and get out of the car, grab the things from the trunk and head in front of the car where I begin to set up a picnic. I lay the blanket down and place the basket of food on top. I then take out 3 plates and 2 soda's for Erika and I and one juice boxes for Jax. I shortly take out the sandwiches that I packed for us out of the basket and place it on the plates. Erika then steps out of the car and gets Jax out and they both walk over to where I am. I look at her then continue to unpack the things. I take out a box of strawberries and place it on top of the blanket, as well as the napkins. I look up at Erika and she looks at me and smiles.

Erika: So this is the surprise?
Jake: Well.. Yeah, basically. Its not much but I just want to be able to spend time with the both of you. Plus there's no paparazzi up here, so its kinda more private.
Erika: Its great, Jake. Thanks.

Erika then sits Jax down then she sits down as well. I take out the last thing which was a few soft chocolate chip cookies in a ziplock bag for us and place it on top of the blanket for when we are ready to eat them. Jax already starts to eat and I sit down beside Erika, she then begins to eat as well. I watch her as she eats and then smile at how adorable she looks smiling at Jax as she eats her food. She's a great mom, and I wouldn't have wanted any other woman to be the mother of my son.

Jake: You did great. (smiles at Erika and then starts to eat)
Erika: What do you mean? With what?
Jake: With Jax.
Erika: (looks at Jax) Yeah, he's a good kid.
Jake: Only cause you raised him right. You're a great mom. (looks at Erika and smiles)
Erika: (smiles at Jake) Thanks. And, ever since you've known about Jax, you've been pretty great of a dad too.
Jake: Thanks.

We continue to eat our food then I️ begin to think about things.. Like why Erika and I aren't together which is a good question to ask considering the fact that I️ really don't know..

Jake: Hey, Rik..?
Erika: (opens Jax's juice box for him) Yeah?
Jake: Would you like to be my girlfriend?

She looks at me and keeps silent.

Erika: Uh.. I️ don't think that's a good idea.
Jake: What... why?
Erika: Because you just recently broke up with Alissa. I don't want to have drama with Alissa like we had in high school.. I'm too old and mature for high school drama, and I️ have a son and I'm sure that I️ don't want to be involved in any type of situation like that especially at this point in my life.
Jake: She's not gonna be around though. I️ got you.
Erika: Still, Jake.. I️ just really don't think we should.
Jake: Fine whatever. What the fuck are we then?
Erika: We're a relationship that's... complicated I guess you could say.
Jake: I don't want that though.
Erika: Well, I don't know what to tell you. Cause Jake, I do love you and I do want to be with you but I really just can't.
Jake: Whatever.

I looked at her and I was honestly just upset and mad.. And I think she knew that. After we all finished I quickly packed things up and silently got in the car and waited for everyone to get set and headed home. The whole ride back was awkward and silent.. And it was probably all my fault. Which I hated.

[HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED THIS CHAPTER ILY GUYS SO MUCH. I love all the support you guys give and all the love and comments you guys leave. ❤️❤️ You guys are truly the best. ILYSM!]

Instagram: @lomfljerika

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