chapter 2

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Erika's POV:

Tessa and I were sitting down on the couch as we watched Jax play with his toy cars in front of us on the floor.

Tessa: So what are you going to do now that you're back in L.A.?
Erika: I don't know yet..
Tessa: Oh well, take your time.

I looked down at Jax playing and stayed quiet for a moment.. Then I turn my face to Tessa.

Erika: Well how are you and Anthony doing?
Tessa: We're about 4 years strong. He still makes as happy as ever.
Erika: That's great, T.
Tessa: Yeah, Anthony lives with Jake.. He's in Team 10, along with Chance.
Erika: Yeah, I heard. And T...?
Tessa: Yeah?
Erika: Do you and Jake still talk?
Tessa: Well when he came back to L.A., we did. Anthony lives with him so we did talk while I'd go over there to see Tony. This was like maybe last year when he just got back. But not really much since then since I don't go to see Anthony at their house much anymore since we like meeting outside since their place is often chaotic.
Erika: Oh.. Did he ask about me?
Tessa: He did actually ask me how you were doing... And asked what you're doing with your life now.
Erika: And what did you say?
Tessa: I told him you went back to Nashville after he went back to Ohio and thats all I knew.
Erika: Oh..
Tessa: I think you should find him and meet him, Erika.
Erika: No, I don't want to do that.
Tessa: Why?
Erika: Because he has moved on... He has a good life and a bright future ahead of him. I don't want to mess that up.
Tessa: If Jake is really a great guy, he won't let that mess it up.

I look at her and slightly smile.. She was right, but I didn't wanna look into the past. Even though I have his son... I still don't know.

Tessa: If you don't do it for yourself.. Do it for Jax at least.. He deserves to know and have a relationship with his father. Even if he's this incredible and successful YouTuber now.

I look at Jax and smile as I watch him play with his toys. He does deserve to know..

Erika: You're right.. But I just don't know.. I'm just scared I think..
Tessa: Don't be scared of this. Who knows, it could change your life for the better.. And maybe, just maybe you and Jake could get back together.. You guys really did love eachother.

I looked at her and all the memories we had from high school came flooding through my head. She's so right..

Tessa: You can't avoid him forever. Jake lives around here too... And people talk. People are going to find out you're back and somehow maybe Jake will find out and try to reach out for you if he still wants you.
Erika: Yeah I know, I just wanna keep to myself for a bit but I know its unlikely with all these known people around here.

Tessa got me thinking.. Maybe I should talk to Jake.. But... No..

Gave you guys another chapter today since I saw I have 100 followers on here! So I hope you guys enjoyed your double update today and this chapter! I love you guyssssss

Instagram: @lomfljerika

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