I'm Sorry

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"Guys... I'm sorry." I said as I unraveled myself for Taehyung.
"What for?" Jennie asked.
"I... I can't join you." I said. "I got ya into this mess, I fear I will only hold you up. Please, go on without me." I told them as I stood up.
"Y/n, your our best friend! Don't leave us." Jisoo told me.
"I'm sorry." I said as I walked out the house.

I ran through the woods and after running forever, I came across a main road. I walked along side the road in the hope it would lead me to a village of some sort.

Jennie's PoV

We all stood in shock, did she just leave. No she doesn't get to leave! We are all in this together! The boys all let us go and began pacing around the room.
"We need to find her." Lisa said,
"How? The forest is huge!" Jin said.
"WILL YOU STOP WALKING AROUND LIKE THAT?!" Jisoo yelled, causing them to jump and stand still where they were.
"I don't understand why your so worried anyway, she's not stupid." Yoongi said, sitting down on the floor while crossing his arms.

We all looked at each other, unsure whether to tell them or not.
"What is it?" Jin asked.
"Y/n, she..." Rose trailed off.
"She what?" Jin asked again, more sternly this time.
"She hasn't eaten anything since we had sports day." I told him, all of their eyes widened.
"That was almost a week ago!!" Jungkook yelled.
"Ok, we need to find her. NOW!" Jin yelled. As we were about to leave, Namjoon got a message.
"Guys, you might want to see this." He said as he showed us all his phone. There was a message, and it said:

"Good luck with your new mission, I knew you'd betray me. You took my trust and threw it away, so I have something of yours that I'll dispose of, something you all couldn't do. Have fun finding her body when I'm done with her.

"Y/n..." Jisoo said.
"We're screwed." Taehyung said.
"We know where she would probably take her, let's start looking there." I told them, as we all headed to the door.

Y/n's PoV

I woke up in a dark room, tied to a chair.
"Oh look, the baby's awake. Have a nice nap?" A male voice said. I looked up to see no one, then, I remember what happened on the road.

20 minutes earlier

A car sped past me and stopped about a mile in front of my walkway. Two men got out and walked to the boot. I could feel warning lights going off in my head so I decided to cross over to the other side of the road. As I passed the car, I felt their eyes on me. Then, a ya d went over my mouth and I passed out.

"You little-" I was cut off by one of the boys.
"Shhh, baby girls like you should not use such horrid words." One said as they both came into the light.

" One said as they both came into the light

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"So, I was kidnapped by a pair of blondes.... how stupid am I?" I asked myself.
"Shut it! We have names you know!" One yelled.
"I'm Mark, and that rude one there is Jackson." Mark said pointing at the one who told me to shut up moments earlier.
"Well, nice to meet you but I have to go so..." I said as I signalled them to let me out.
"Nice try baby, but you aren't going anywhere." Jackson said, "Let's make the most of this time, where you've got no one to protect you. Not even he one you like."
"Shut up." I told him as he was pudding on the wrong buttons.
"What's the matter, is he not here." Jackson said again, a smirk plastered all over his face.
"I'll only tell you once! SHUT UP!" I yelled.
"Aww, you really love him don't you... Mr ...

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