Chapter Four: Money Makes the World Spin

Start from the beginning

A red-soul realm would normally need three or five years to reach the starting point because the soul realm and physical condition determine one's cultivation speed; however, Nie Tai and Nie Li were not worried.

Nie Tai nodded in agreement when hearing her brother tell her, "Only two months? Hmph, there is still time to spare." His confidence was showing through the slight smile on his face.

Nie Li then turned to Lu Piao and Du Ze. Lu Piao asked him, "Nie Li, do you like Ye Ziyun?"

"Like may not be a strong enough word to describe his feelings for her..." Nie Tai thought while watching them.

"Of course!" Nie said truthfully.

Lu Piao gave Nie Li an investigative look before saying, "While she is beautiful, and I am your brother, I must tell you that her identity is much too noble for the likes of us."

"Be more realistic why don't you? She is a cyan-soul realm super genius! There is no doubt that she will become a Demon Spiritualist. She will enter the official Demon Spiritualist class, and her cultivation will continue to soar afterwards. Her remembrance of you is not the problem here: your chasing of girls is what I think the problem is! You won't even work hard or train when wasting all your time with chasing after them." Du Ze said angrily. Nie Tai had a mischievous glint in her eye when watching Du Ze.

"You hypocrite! You chased after me!" Nie Tai recalled Du Ze asking her brother if he could court her, and his adorable shyness when trying to gather the courage to talk to her. She smiled when thinking of his successful attempts to win her over.

Lu Piao lazily shrugged his shoulders and said, "You dare slander? I'm an extremely hard-worker. I've, at most, only wasted half-a-day chasing girls!" Lu Piao had an almost proud look on his face.

"Dear gods! What kind of people did I get involved with?" Du Ze asked dramatically while rolling his eyes.

In Nie Tai's past life, Du Zu was able to reach One-Star Gold Rank Demon Spiritualist despite having a yellow-soul realm. This caused his family to rise to the position of aristocratic. It was amazing to see.

Du Ze and Lu Piao are strikingly different: loyal, old-fashioned, and serious male versus a lazy, and almost apathetic, fob. Lu Piao had extremely high Fighter talents, but he was too much of a sloth to put the effort in needed to succeed. As such, he only reached Silver Rank.

Nie Tai's smile grew as she watched her friends: she missed their playful arguments and striking personalities.

"Nie Li, I recommend that you give up. You should focus on your training instead." Du Ze said seriously.

"Du Ze, don't bother. This rockhead has his heart set on Ye Ziyun. As such, he will most likely succeed in winning her over. The test will be easily passed, so there is no need to worry over such matters." Nie Tai said. Nie Li nodded in agreement.

Lu Piao and Du Ze both looked shocked at her words. It was almost as if they forgot she was even present.

Du Ze nodded and was about to speak when Nie Li interrupted, "There is no need to worry, Du Ze, Lu Piao. Nie Tai and I will help both of you in becoming the strongest Demon Spiritualists!" The twins smiled at their friends.

"Nah. I only have a red-soul realm. Becoming a Fighter won't be an issue with the help of my family's elixirs, but becoming a Demon Spiritualist would be too hard!" Lu Piao said as he started to walk backwards slowly.

Du Ze slung his arm over Lu Piao's shoulders, keeping him in place, and reprimanded him, "You must know that Demon Spiritualists are more powerful! They are more useful on the field of battle. On a battlefield, a Legend Rank Fighter is nothing compared to a Black-Gold Rank Demon Spiritualist!"

Lu Piao ducked away from the dark-haired boy. He said, "There is no need for that. If I can become a Gold Rank Fighter, I'd be happy. Then my dad won't be able to beat me anymore." Lu Piao said seriously.

Those surrounding him were speechless. They all shared the same thought, "What an umovitaved person!"

Nie Li chuckled slightly at Lu Piao's words, "We both have a red-soul realm do we not?" He asked.

Lu Piao and Du Ze's expressions gave away their confusion. Even though he has a red-soul realm, he had the confidence to say that he would reach One-Star Bronze Rank in two months? It is absolutely unheard of one raising their one-digit soul force to one hundred in just two months.

"Say, Nie Li, would you happen to have any special methods in refining your soul force?" asked a curious Du Ze.

"There is no need to worry. As long as you stay determined, you will become powerful." Nie Tai answered for her brother.

"Hmph, back down? Never!" Du Ze said stubbornly. He's goal—no, his life-mission—is to change his family's fate. He will never lose sight of this.

Lu Piao is to hear that it is possible for him to become a Demon Spiritualist because then his dad can't beat him for being lazy! If there is an opportunity to slack-off, however, he won't waste it.

"Will it be hard?" Lu Piao mumbled as he sighed lazily.

The look Du Ze gave him was poisonous to say the least. To become a Demon Spiritualist without any difficulties? Impossible! Even if it is insanely difficult, he, Du Ze, will not back down no matter what!

Nie Tai deadpanned at this exchange, but returned her expression back to normal when saying, "Not very. It's just expensive."

"Oh, if that all?" Lu Piao said happily, "How much do you need? I've saved up two thousand demon spirit coins. When becoming a Demon Spiritualist, I can afford to spend this.

"Oh how naive." Nie Tai thought when hearing this.

Nie Li obviously thought the same. He shook his head and said, "Two thousand demon spirit coins? What good is that. It is not nearly enough. We'll need at least millions of demon spirit coins. Maybe even tens of millions."

Du Ze's eyes almost escaped his head when hearing this. He came from a commoner family, so this amount of money was simply unfathomable to him.

Hello! First off, I want to thank you for reading! Secondly, I want to ask you to comment, for I would love you know what you think. Thirdly, please tell me who you want in the harem(I want to know who people want)! Lastly, HAVE A NICE DAY! 😜

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