Time For Some Answers

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Alisons pov

Only a few more moments had passed and Mrs Fields had reappeared. You could still see the remains of her tears on her face, her cheeks and eyes were bright red as she entered the room. She sat down next to me and Emily while Mr Fields sat across from us on the chair. I could see the sadness on Mr Fields face that she didn't go to him but I think it was a lot for one day.

"I guess I should give you some answers because I know you'll have a million questions." He smiled slightly.

The room fell silent as no one knew what to say. I looked at Emily who was looking down at the ground and Mrs Fields who was clasping her hands together tightly.

"Why don't you just start with what happened? Why we were told you were dead when you aren't?" I asked breaking the silence.

I could see the relief on Mr Fields face when I spoke.

"Okay I just want to tell you before I start that I'm sorry you were told I was dead but there was no way anyone could have known I wasn't." He paused for a second. "My camp was bombed in the night which of course you already know but what you don't know is that I wasn't at my camp that night. I found a child wandering in the dessert and I was taking him back to town to try find his parents. It had been all set up for them to capture an American soldier they had sent the child out so that one of us would bring him into town unarmed. Well when I got to town we turned down a small street and I could tell there was something wrong so I picked him up and began to carry him and walk faster. We had barely got down the street when there was a massive bang and I turned round to see a cloud of smoke and fire erupt where my camp was and at the same moment I was grabbed and blindfolded. I was beaten and dragged along the street holding on to the child as tightly as I possibly could. They eventually stopped for a second and I could hear them speaking to another man and then they began to drag me again but this time it wasn't as long a distance. I was thrown against a wall and I heard a door slam. I pulled back the blindfold they had put on me and I couldn't see a thing but I couldn't feel the child anymore either someway along the way he was taken from me. The room smelled like urine and vomit." He took a deep breathe and I could see he was struggling but he continued again. "For the next few months I was given a glass of water each day and a slice of bread I didn't see any daylight the room was kept pitch black and no one entered. I was fed through a hatch in the door like a prisoner. It was then I realised I was their prisoner. All I could think about was you both and what you would be told and if anyone survived at the camp. It felt like I would never get out of that room until one day the door opened. It took me at least five minutes for my eyes to adjust to the light and before I could even see the person who opened the door something hit me in the face and I was dragged out of the room. I kept my eyes closed until we stopped and my eyes were better adjusted to the light. I was in a empty room with one chair sitting in the middle of it. I turned my head to see a gun aiming straight at me. The man holding it pointed to the chair and I sat down on it. I was beaten with the gun until I couldn't sit on the chair any longer I was curled on the floor while they kicked into me. When they eventually stopped the pulled me to a wall and sat me up against it. They continuously probed me for military secrets and were they could get weapons they beat me daily and locked me in that dark room every night. They had me tend to their wounded and repair their guns. Then one night when I was sleeping I woken up by gun fire and shouting. Only this shouting was in English and I could hear an American accent I banged on the door and shouted for help and eventually when there was silence in the building someone found me. They transported me to the nearest military base and done a medical examination. They questioned me and put me on a drip. I could barely speak or keep my eyes opened and then after a week I asked to go home. I told them I had to come see you and they told me that you had been informed I had died in the explosion. They got me on the first flight back to America that they could but I had no phone to call you and a military commander met me at the airport where he got me clothes and drove me to a hotel near by. He told me to wait on him to come back in an hour and he would bring me to you but I couldn't wait I left the moment he got in his car."

My eyes were stinging with tears and I looked over at Emily and Mrs Fields who were in a similar situation. I squeezed Emily's hand and I seen her squeeze her mom's hand. Mr Fields was no longer looking at us and was now looking down at the floor. Mrs Fields got up from the sofa and went straight over to Mr Fields throwing her arms around him.

"You are home now and you are safe and we are so happy you are back with us." Mr Fields pulled Mrs Fields on to his lap as they held on to each other.

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