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Emily pov

As we drove away from the doctors I watched as the the sun hit Alisons angelic face lighting up the world as it done so. I began to daydream about our future; Emilia growing up going to school then college, Ali and I finally going to Paris, possibly having more children. In a daydream everything was happy and perfect until I am reminded of the sword hanging over our head in the shape of A. Ali took a sharp right going the wrong way home.

"Ali you are going the wrong way."

"No I'm not." She smiled.

"Where are we going?"

"Just for something to eat, Spence is okay keeping an eye on Emilia for another hour or so."

Alison pulled up outside a small cafe at the side of Rosewood. I had never seen it before it must have been new. She smiled her perfect smile and I couldn't help but return it.

"I love you." I kissed Alison gently and I could feel her smile through the kiss.

"I love you too."

We both got out the car and headed into the cafe. There was a part of me always feeling guilty when we have been doing anything that wasn't looking for Aria since she went missing. Ali always liked to remind me that Jason was looking for her and that we would be just putting her and ourselves in more danger if we spent all of our time looking.

Alison must have seen the slight delay when the waiter asked what I would like.

"We will both just have a burger and fries." Alison's voice rang.

The waiter waited a moment before leaving, clearly wonder what was wrong with me and if I was going to actually speak for myself.

"You know Aria is safer if we arent all looking A is watching us. They arent watching Jason. A might panic if we get too close."

"I know I just feel helpless."

Alison took my hand from across the table. "You know Jason will call us when hes close, he has every other time."

I knew Ali was right but I couldn't help it.

Ali pov

I was comforting Emily telling her it would be fine and Jason would find Aria and we shouldn't feel guilty, but the truth was I was terrified. What if Jason did find her but not alive? What if something happened to Jason? What if neither of them came back? Even with so many worry thoughts I kept my smile painted on my face for Emily's sake.

The waiter brought our food over along with two waters.

"Thank you." Emily smiled at the young boy.

She picked up the ketchup from the table and I laughed.

"What? You know no one ever puts enough ketchup on for me." Emily opened up her burger too put on extra ketchup. "Oh my god." Emily's face completely dropped and she looked ill.

"What's wrong?"

Emily pushed her plate to me and I lifted the bun. There was a piece of paper.

"Lets skip the games payback is going to be bitch, when will you learn your lesson. - A"

I looked at the other side of the bun and there was a small photo of Emilia. I understood the look on Emily's face. I felt sick to my stomach.

"We need to go!" Emily jumped out of her chair.

Emison:True Loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن