Positive Or Negative?

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Alison pov

Being home felt so weird. Everything was the same but somehow different. I felt so alone. My mom was gone and I would never find out why she buried me alive and who she was protecting.

I hadn't seen Emily since I told her I thought I was pregnant on the bus except from my mom's funeral, but we didn't get the chance to speak. I have been in my bed since we got back, I didnt want to leave my room. Outside my bedroom didn't feel safe no matter how much I wanted to see and speak to Emily, although I couldn't wait any longer so I decided to text her.

Hey Em, can we talk? I miss you.

Love Alison xx

I started at my phone waiting for a reply. It felt like forever waiting for her to text back.

I'll come to your house in 10 minutes need to pick something up xx

My stomach was turning. I really missed Emily and I didn't want this to ruin what we had in the motel.

Emily pov

When I got to the pharmacy I was nervous to go in. I knew I would get dirty looks from so many people when they heard what I wanted. Ali needed this and so did I. We had to know. 

I built up all my courage and went in. I felt like everyone was staring at me. For a moment I thought it was all in my head then I remembered.  I'm the girl who is friends with girl who used to be dead.  When I got the counter an old woman with grey hair that was cut up to her ears was standing waiting on me to tell her what I was looking for.

"Can I have a pregnancy test? Please." I whispered.

She looked at me confused. She couldn't hear my whisper so I tried again speaking a little louder.

"What?" She shouted.

"Pregnancy test." I said through my teeth.

"Ohh." She looked shocked and disgusted.

I was so embarrassed. She went over to one of the shelves behind her and put a box on the counter. I handed her the money for it and ran out the door.

Alison pov

Ten minutes felt like a lifetime waiting on Emily. I just wanted her to hold me and tell me it was all going to be okay. I curled up into a ball trying so hard not to cry.


I jumped up off the bed to sound of Emily's voice. She wrapped her arms around me and I inhaled her smell. I missed her smell, it was so sweet. She pulled away and I wanted her arms back around me. She was holding a small box. A pregnancy test.

"Em I..." I stepped away from her.

"Ali we need to know."

"Em I don't think I want to know. Please don't make me."

Tears escaped my eyes and began running down my face.

"I'll be here. I won't leave I promise. No matter what the outcome."

Emily handed me the box.

Emily pov

Sat on Alison's bed waiting for her as she went to the bathroom with the pregnancy test. I had never felt so nervous in all my life and it wasn't even me that was taking the test.

Alison walked back in the room holding the pregnancy test in her hand. I looked at her waiting for her to tell me what it said.

"Need to wait three minutes."

I put my arms out for her and she ran towards me. She jumped on me and we both fell on the bed. Part of me wanted to laugh but knowing how much was going on I couldn't. I looked up at Alison's angel face. She looked so beautiful. I didn't care if she was pregnant or not. I wanted her no matter what baggage she now had or doesn't have. Alison kissed my gently then moved off of me. She put the pregnancy test down beside her.

"How are you feeling?"

She just looked at me like I was crazy for asking.

"Sorry that was a stupid question." I took her hand and she squeezed it.

We sat in silence and it felt like forever.

Alison pov

I didn't like the silence between Emily and I, it made it feel worse. We were waiting on the result of a life changing decision.

"How long has it been?" I was beginning to think Emily was more nervous than me.

I looked over at the alarm clock beside my bed. "Two minutes."

I seen Emily bite her lip from the corner of my eye. I got so anxious waiting for the result I threw myself at Emily. She fell backwards and I lay on top of her. I took her face in my hands and kissed her. She pulled away and my heart sank.

"I'm sorry." I began go climb off of her when she put her hands on my hips to hold me there.

"No don't be. I.. its just you were holding the pregnancy test in your hand and then put your hand on my face." She let out a small laugh and I blushed.

"Sorry." I looked at the alarm clock four minutes had past. I felt all the blood drain from my face as I picked up the pregnancy test. Emily sat up and grabbed my hand as I turned the pregnancy test.

Emison:True LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora