The Big Day

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Alison pov

I woke up alone for the first time in a long time. Emily and I had decided not to sleep in the same bed the night before our wedding. It seemed like a good idea at the time but I couldn't sleep last night withour her beside me so I brought Emilia in to my bed. She was more than happy to sleep in this what must seem like a giant bed with me. Although I had woke up twice with her foot in my mouth. The only reason I was awake now was because Emilia had decided to climb on top of me and bounce on my stomach. Emilia began slapping my chest and I sat up. I moved Emilia down on to my lap and gave her a small kiss. She looked up at me smiling. She was so sweet. Her smile made everything seem better than it was.

"You know what today is?" Emilia stared at my mouth and began making noises. "Today is going to be the best day of my entire life next to the day you were brought into my life."

"Omg you are being so cute."

I looked up and Hanna was standing at my bedroom door.

"Oh hey Hanna what you doing here?"

"Picking up the dress you picked for Em. Aria is down stairs with your dress." Hanna looked amazing in her hot pink skater dress.

"The dress is hanging up in the closet. You look amazing Hanna."

"Thanks." She smiled. "You better get up and get dressed because Spencer will kill you if you aren't by the time she comes to pick you up."

Hanna dug the dress for Emily out of the closet. As Hanna was leaving Aria came in with my dress.

As soon as I seen the dress I loved it. It was baby pink and sat just below my knee. I dressed Emilia in her white dress that was decorated with small pink flowers. Aria done my hair and make up and finished just in time for Spencer arriving. I had butterflies in my stomach as I carried Emilia down to Spencer's car.


Emily pov

Spencer had decorated the lake side so beautifully. I was standing at the front of all the seats as the people I loved the most took their seat. The whole place was covered in fairy lights and pink, purple and white flowers. I think Spencer based the colors of the flowers on which Alison and I would be wearing, since I got Alison a baby pink dress and she got me a purple one. I had butterflies as I waited on Spencer to get here with Alison and Emilia. I missed sleeping beside her last night and never wanted to feel like that ever again.

"How are you feeling?"

I turned to see Ted standing to my right smiling.

"Like I'm the happiest and luckiest person in the entire world."

"That's what I like to here."

He wasn't smiling at me anymore he was looking over at Miss Marin, who was waving. I looked around and everyone had taken their seat. There was only two more seats that were empty one for Spencer and the other for Paige. I really thought she would have come. Her and Ali had worked through their problems. I guess she still had some time to get here. I didn't want to admit I was giving up on the hope of her showing up, and just as I was about to give up all hope I seen Paige from the corner of my eye as she took her seat. I shot her a smile and she smiled back. I was happy she was here. It showed how we had all come such a long way in the last year. I seen Spencer's car pull up and knew it was time.


Emily pov

As soon as I seen Alison in the dress I picked for her I knew I had made the right decision. She looked like an angel as she walked towards me with Emilia in her arms. Aria took Emilia as soon as they reached me. I took Alison's hands and stood in front of Ted.

"You look amazing." I whispered.

"So do you." Alison smiled.

Ted began speaking but I could barely concentrate on anything he was saying I just stared into Alison's beautiful clear blue eyes. As I said my vows that I wrote myself I could feel myself blushing as everyone's eyes were on me. When I finished I took a deep breath and waited for Alison to start hers.

"You are my one true love and I never want to live without you. Every moment with you reminds me of the fact that I am the luckiest person in the entire world. I'm the only person who gets to say that Emily Fields is my wife and I get to spend the rest of my life with her." I began to blush. "I know we have been through a lot more than most people our age but I think that is what make our love so strong. I love you so much and I never want to live one day without you."

"I do." I said before Ted even finished what he was saying.

Everyone laughed including Alison and I blushed again.

"I do." Alison said before Ted had even began speaking again.

Alison smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile too. I just wanted to kiss Alison so badly. Ted finished what he was saying and the whole place went silent as everyone stared at Alison and I

"Kiss." Ted whispered to us.

I cupped my Alison's face with my hands and kissed her. For the moment that our lips touched I felt like we were the only two people in the world. Everyone that was here had disappeared and it was only Alison and I standing here.

Ted cleared his throat and I pulled away slowly from Alison slightly embarrassed. I stared into Alison's eyes and felt like the luckiest person in the world. Someone tugged my hair from behind me. I turned around to see and smiling Emilia with hand fulls of my hair in Aria's arms. I took Emilia and gave her a kiss then Alison done the same. Emilia giggled and everyone else laughed at her sweet noises.

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