A Present

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Alison pov

I knew my dad was going to come back but I didn't want him to. I wanted to be alone with Emily like last night. I could feel my eyes getting heavy and I couldn't fight to keep them open.

I was standing outside a small cottage with a small garden. I had no idea where I was. It was dead silent except a faint noise that I couldn't put my finger on. I walked towards the cottage and the noise grew louder. It was a baby crying. I ran towards the cottage and I burst through the door. There was Emily looking so beautiful as ever.
"What's going on? Who's baby is crying?"
"Ours. Honey are you okay?" She took my hand and looked straight into my eyes.
"Yes. Where is it?"
"She. Is in the bedroom."
I smiled and began walking around the cottage searching for the bedroom. The baby's cry was growing louder and I opened the last door. The room was empty except a small crib in the centre of the room. I began walking towards the crying baby but I wasn't getting any closer. I started running but it wasn't making a difference the babies cries grew louder and I wasn't getting any closer. I began crying out for Emily but no noise came out of my mouth. I fell to the ground. When I looked to see the crib there was someone standing over it wearing a black hoodie. I got off the ground and began running again but I still wasn't getting any closer. The person in the black hoodie picked up the baby and walked away. I kept pushing, willing myself to keep running. The person now holding my baby was getting further and further away from me. It wasn't long until I couldn't see them anymore. I fell down and I was at the empty crib. I tried to scream again but nothing came out.

I jumped up and looked around. It was dark and my bed was cold. I felt around for Emily but she wasn't there.


I got out of bed and turned the light on. When I turned around there was a small rocking horse at the bottom of my bed. There was a piece of paper stuck to it.

I can get into your bedroom this easy. How do you expect to keep a baby away from me. - A

I dropped the piece of paper on the ground as my heart dropped. I could barely breathe. I couldn't shout on Emily, I just screamed and fell to the ground.

Emison:True LoveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ