Wedding Decisions

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Alison pov

I knew today was going to be tough. I had no idea how Emily and I were going to agree on so much stuff for the wedding. We hadn't made any decisions what so ever about the wedding. We had no one to take Emilia for today so she had to tag along to all the stores and possible reception venues.

We took Emily's car so we didn't have to push Emilia's stroller everywhere. The sun was shining through the windows burning my skin as we drove into town. I already had a few ideas of what I wanted for the wedding but I wasn't sure how Emily would feel about them.

Emily pulled up in front of the Grille. We already knew what it looked like inside but I wanted to try imagine how it would look with all of the flowers and decorations.

As soon as we walked through the door to the grille everyone turned and stared at us, I could hear them whispering as usual. I was still the dead girl who wasn't dead any more that had a baby at sixteen and was now getting married. Even though a year had pasted nothing had really changed about people's reaction when they seen me with Emilia. Emilia wriggled in my arms as she tried to break free. She hated being carried. I ignored the people who were still staring and walked around with Emily.

"So what do you think?" Emily asked.

"I don't know. I think I would rather somewhere more outside."

"What like the park?"

"No I thinking more like the lake near the kissing rock." I watched Emily's face as I tried to determine her reaction to my idea.

"That is an amazing idea." She smiled. "Maybe we can have the service there too? I mean it's such a beautiful place."

"That's what I was thinking. We would probably need to ask Hanna to see if it is okay with Ted since he is doing the service."

"I'm sure he will be fine with it."

I was so happy Emily was thinking the same as me. We piled back into the car.

"Where to next? Dresses or cake?"

"Definitely cake." I smiled.

Emily started up the car and we headed to pick our cake. I was so excited we were making all of these decisions now.

"Em I was thinking, maybe we could choose a dress for one another and surprise each other on the day."

A huge smile spread across Emily's face.

"This is why I want to marry you."

"Why is that then?"

"Because you have incredible ideas like that."

She stopped the car outside the cake store. She leaned over and kissed me.

"I love you." She whispered.

"I love you too."

She kissed me again and Emilia began giggling in the back seat. I had no idea what was making her giggle but it was music to my ears.


Alison pov

A young woman greeted us as the door and led us over to a small table.

"So which one of you is the bride?"

We both looked at each unsure of how to answer,

"We both are. We are getting married." Emily smiled and took my hand. The woman looked down at our hands awkwardly.

"So um do you have any idea on the type of cake you would like?"

"Three tiers." I said excitedly.

"Okay well we have some samples here for you both to try."

An older woman came over with a tray full of different types of cakes. She gave us both a dirty look as she put the tray down in front of us.

They all tasted so good it was so hard to choose. I had narrowed my choices to three. Red velvet, vanilla and hazelnut.

"So what ones are your favourite?" I asked.

"Red velvet definitely."

I was so happy she said one of my top three.

"Me too." I smiled.

Emilia started banging on the table and some of the cake that was left went flying. The young woman came back over.

"Have you decided?"

She didn't look very happy about Emilia's flying cake.

"Yes red velvet." I smiled politely.

"Good choice. How will you be paying?"

"My dad will be and it will be card."

Emilia began smudging the cake over her face. I pulled her hands down gently and she began squirming and moaning trying to get her hands to her face again.

"Okay well we will need to have your deposit before next Friday."

I gave Emilia to Emily so I could find my dads credit card.

"I can pay the deposit now." I pulled the card from my purse.

"Great." The woman smiled and led me over to the counter.

I couldn't believe how easy all of these decisions with Emily had been. I couldn't wait until the day I got to say 'I do' and I got to spend the rest of my life with the love of my life.

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