A LAkehouse

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Alison pov

I sat on the edge of the dock with my legs hanging off the end. I put my bikini on showing off my swollen stomach. I may not be swimming but I wasn't staying covered up. I watched my beautiful girlfriend swim around in the lake. I knew she missed it even with her bad shoulder. I was right Emily did look amazing in her bikini.

"Ali are you okay?" Jason shouted from half way across the lake.

I nodded and he went back to his game of what ever he was playing with Aria. They both seemed to be getting close. Emily began swimming towards me. She was still fast even if she wasn't on the school team she was with me in a matter of seconds.

"Hey." She smiled up at me. "How you doing?"

"I'm fine you don't need to keep checking up on me. I'm enjoying watching you swim."

"Why don't you go lie down with Hanna and Caleb?"

I looked over and Hanna and Caleb who were both lying down sun bathing.

"Eh no thanks I'm fine here. Although... I would rather I was in there with you." I smiled.

I took a quick glance over at Jason who was too busy with Aria.

"Wait there." I climbed down off the dock into the water.

"Ali, Jason is going to kill you. Then he's going to kill me."

"He needs to loosen up."

The water felt so good. I put my arms around Emily's neck and kissed her.

"Ali!" I could hear Jason shouting but I didn't break my kiss with Emily.

"He's going to kill you." Emily stared into my eyes and I was hypnotised.

"I don't care." I kissed her again.

Emily pov

Alison started getting cold so I took her back to the lake house and everyone else stayed out

I went into the kitchen to get something to drink for Alison and myself. It was so dark in the kitchen. I turned the light on and the next thing I knew I was knocked on my ass. I got up as fast as I went down when I saw the black hoodie. They ran up stairs and I ran after them.

"Ali lock the door!" I shouted.


"Do it now!" I could hear the lock click as I reached the top of the stairs.

"Em whats going on?"

I looked around the hall way for any sight of movement.

"Just stay in the room for a minutes." As I turned around I was knocked down again as A ran back down stairs.

I heard the front door open and Aria's voice. I ran down stairs and Aria was standing with the door wide open. Her face told a thousand words and I knew A had just ran out past her.

"Was that?" She slammed the door.


"Where is Ali?"

"Upstairs, she's fine."

Spencer, Hanna, Caleb, Toby and Jason came through the front door.

"What's going on?" Spencer looked at us suspiciously.

"Nothing." I said quickly. "I'm going to go up and see Ali."

I left them all down stairs and went up to the bedroom. I knocked on the door.

"Ali its me. Open the door."

The lock clicked as she unlocked the door.

"What was that all about?"

I didn't know if I should tell her the truth about A. It would just scare her but could I really lie to her.

"It just wasn't safe."

She stared at me and when she realised what I meant her face dropped. I locked the room door. I took her hand and we sat down on the bed.

"You are safe Ali. I promise." I put my arm around her waist and pulled her close.

She laid her head on my shoulder. "I wont let that bitch hurt you."

I kissed the top of her head.

"I just want to go to bed." Her voice broke and I lifted her face.

Tears were running down her face. I wiped them away with my thumb

"Ali you know I would never let anyone hurt you. Lie down and I'll be back in a minute." I kissed her gently.

"No." She grabbed my arm. "Don't leave me alone."

"I'm only going to the bathroom."

She released her grip on my arm and lay down on the bed. I watched as she curled up into a ball. I quickly brushed my teeth and went back in to the bedroom. Alison was now sitting up on the bed.

"I couldn't lie down without you. I didn't feel safe." She gave me a weak smile.

I climbed into bed with her. I wrapped my arms around her and I could feel her body begin to relax as we lay.

"Em are you sure you don't want to know the name I was thinking?" I smiled.

"I'm one hundred percent sure Ali."

I could feel her body vibrate as she giggled. I couldn't be any happier lying here with Alison in my arms. I held her stomach. I knew she liked when I done it even if she hasn't told me. I could tell by her smile.

Emison:True LoveWhere stories live. Discover now