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Emily pov

Alison went upstairs to check on Emilia while my mom and dad held on to each other for dear life. I don't think my mom has been truly this happy since before we were told he had died. I mean she was happy at our wedding and Emilia's birth but not the same kind of happy you are when you find out the man you love is actually alive.

"It looks like you've got something to tell me about Emi." I looked at my dad startled at first noticing he was staring down. 

I thought he somehow knew I was pregnant until I realised it was my hand and wedding ring he was looking at. I breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed.

"We have a lot of catching up to do." I smiled.

It hadn't hit me that he was now another person I was going to need to tell and explain the whole pregnancy situation to. The happiness I was feeling knowing he wasn't dead was beginning to fade slightly as I remembered everything that was still to come. 

Alisons pov

When I got upstairs Emilia was already awake sitting on Emily's bed playing with her toys. I sat down next to her and she climbed on to my lap.

"Hungry mommy." Emilia rubbed her tummy.

"Let's go get dinner." I picked Emilia up and started to go downstairs. 

I stopped half way down the stairs remembering Mr Fields had never met Emilia before and we hadn't even explained everything yet. I could hear them all talking and laughing. Emilia tapped my face.

"Mommy." She shouted.

Everyone else fell quiet.

"Ali?" Emily shouted.

"Yeah coming." I took a deep breathe and continued down stairs.

Emily met me at the bottom of the stairs and put her arms out for Emilia. Emilia jumped into her arms straight away.

"Its okay." I think Emily could see my worrying.

I nodded as I followed Emily back to her mom and dad. Mr Fields stood immediately eyes wide as he looked at Emilia then me. I looked down at the ground.

"She's beautiful." He smiled.

"Emilia this is your grandad." Emily explained.

"Maybe papa." Mr Fields suggested.

"Yes because that sounds less old." Mrs Fields laughed.

Emilia wriggled out of Emily's arms. I think now that she's three she doesn't like being carried as much.

Mr Fields bent down in front of Emilia, who stood gazing at him.

"How old are You?" He asked.

"Three." Emilia held up two fingers.

"We've been working on that one." Mrs Fields gently lifted another of Emilias fingers up for her and Emilia smiled.

"I think she just likes you helping her." I smiled as Emilia began to giggle.

"Grandma bananas come on." Emilia pulled Mrs Fields to the kitchen.

"How old is she?" Mr Fields asked.

"She's three." I smiled watching her pulling Mrs Fields into the kitchen.

"She's beautiful." Mr Fields smiled. "I knew you would give me grandchildren one day Emi I just didn't think it would be so soon."

"She was a blessing to us all."Emily hugged me.

"I have so many questions I don't even know where to start." I could see Mr Fields looking at our hands.

"It's been nearly two years." I answered his question before he got to answer it.

"Our wedding was magical." Emily added. "We live in Ali's house now."

Mr Fields looked sad and I felt a sickening pain in my stomach, he might not approve of us.

"Dad?" Emily just have noticed it too.

There was a long silence and I could feel Emily's hands begin to sweat.

"I wish I could have been there for you both. I've missed so much, I've missed the first three years of my grandchilds life." He looked like he was going  cry I could see the tears building up in the corners of this eyes but he straightened up and took a deep breath pulling them back.

How were we going to tell him about Emily? It was going to be hard enough for everyone else to find out. I looked at Emily and could see the panic in her eyes. I gave her a reassuring smile.

Emilia came running back in holding a half squashed banana in her tiny hand. She had a massive smile on her face as she ran to us faster than get legs could manage as she stumbled and slid across the floor on her tummy still holding on to get banana. She stopped just in front of Mr Fields who she looked up at with tears gathering in her little blue eyes. Mr Fields smiled down at her and gently picked up off the floor. 

"Its okay." He cradled Emilia in his arms as she fought back her tears. "That looks like a good banana." He smiled.

"For you." Emilia held up the squashed banana to his face.

"You have that one and I'll get another."

My phone vibrated in my pocket but I ignored it as I watched Mr Fields with Emilia. It vibrated again and again. Emily must have felt it as she looked at me concerned. I pulled my phone out and had multiple missed calls and texts from Spencer and Hanna.

What's going on? Mr Fields is back and Emily's keeping the baby? S

Is today a day of need impossibles? Mr Fields had shown up and Emily's keeping the baby. H

Can one of you phone me back please? S

So many secrets which one do we spill first? -A

I felt my heart stop when I seen them mention Emily's pregnancy and As text. I hadn't realised Emily had been looking over my shoulder when I opened the texts. I looked behind me and her face was chalk white.

"Em it's okay we will figure it out. It will be okay." I whispered.

She didn't speak or move. "We will be back in a few minutes just need to deal with something."

Mr Fields looked concerned but nodded. I took Emily's hand and led her upstairs.

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