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Alison pov

My world was falling apart. This was all my fault, if I didn't suggest running this wouldn't have happened. Why did Em have to be so courageous? Why did she have to run towards the danger instead of away? I might never see her again and it was all because I wanted to run away again.

"EM!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I fell to the ground.

Spencer kneeled down beside me and put her arm around me.

"She'll be here somewhere or maybe she's already back at mine."

The trees began rustling and I jumped straight up. A was back which could only mean Emily wasn't okay. Spencer and I backed off from the trees. There were two figures coming towards us.

"Ali help." It was Cece.

I began to walk towards the two figures and Emily was hanging over Cece's shoulders.

"EM!" I screamed as I ran to her and put my arms around her. I seen a slight smile on Emily's blood covered face.

"We need to get her back to mine." Spencer helped Cece carry Emily along the road.

Tears were streaming down my face. All I kept thinking was that this was my fault. It began to rain as if the world could feel Emily and my pain.

When we got to Spencer's house Hanna and Caleb were sitting on the sofa.

"Where's Emilia?" I asked instantly as I walked through the door.

"Toby has her upstairs. We thought it would be best if she wasn't here when yous got back."

I knew the moment when they seen Emily.

"Em." They both said in unison.

"Move move let us lie her down." Cece motioned for Hanna and Caleb to get off the sofa.

Emily moaned in pain as she lay down. I sat at the edge of the sofa and held her hand.

"We need to take her to hospital!" Caleb began pacing.

"No we can't" Cece jumped in before I even got to say anything.

"Why can't we? What do you know and what are you doing here?"

"It's too dangerous to take her to hospital they will ask too many questions that none of us or Emily can answer. Like who did this to you?"

Everyone began talking all at once and I just starred down at Emily as she squeezed my hand.

"You'll be okay. I promise." I reassured her.

The more I looked at her face I could tell that all the blood was from one cut on her head and not multiple ones, making it look worse than it probably was. I just had to get her somewhere to wash her.

"EVERYONE SHUT UP!" Everyone turned to Hanna. "What even happened? Why did yous leave? Ali its about time you told us how this happened!"

"Let me go put Emily in a shower and wash her off then I'll tell you all everything."

"Fine." Hanna crossed her arms and turned away.

Cece helped me upstairs with Emily and left before I got her undressed. I turned the shower on and sat Emily under the water. All of the blood that was covering her face began to run away and I could see the cut on her head that had caused all of the blood. I turned round to get her a towel.

"Ali." I heard a whisper of Emily's voice.

I turned back and she was out the shower.

"Em be careful." I ran over to her with the towel.

"I'm okay Ali, but theres something I need to tell you."

I wrapped the towel around Emily.

"We know who A is. I could feel it when they were so close to me I felt something familiar about them."

"What do you mean? Did you see who it was?"

"No I couldn't see their face, but A is a girl. There is no way a man's hands felt like that and the perfume I smelt from them."

The bathroom door burst open and Spencer came in.

"What did the perfume smell like?"

"Spencer!" I shouted as Emily covered herself with the towel.

"Sorry I didnt mean." Spencer blushed and looked down at the ground. "I'll just wait downstairs."

Emily smiled at me as Spencer tried to find her way out of the bathroom without looking up.

"Lets get you dried and downstairs before someone else comes bursting through the door." I laughed.

Emily pov

When I was dressed in some of Spencers less collegiate clothing Ali and I went downstairs to where Spencer, Toby, Caleb, Hanna, Cece and Emilia were waiting. Emilia's face lit up when she seen us both come downstairs. She put out her arms to me but I knew I couldn't lift her and let Ali take her. Hanna moved over and I sat beside her.

"So are you going to explain?" I couldn't tell if Hanna was concerned or angry.

I let Ali explain about the money and how we planned to leave and move to Florida. I watched everyones reactions as they listened to what she was saying. As Ali spoke all I could think about was how long it had been since Cece got me. I dont even think I knew how much time had passed between leaving Ali and Cece getting to me.

Hi everyone I've entered a contest with something I wrote about myself its called broken or different (everything everything) could you check it out. Leave a comment and let me know what you think or tell me how you are different or weird and if you don't feel confident enough to say it for everyone to see private mail me it instead.

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