The Funeral

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Alison pov

It was the day of Emily's dads funeral. Emily was still sleeping next to me and Emilia was lying on my stomach pulling at my hair. Emily had barely spent any time with Emilia over the last week she would always find an excuse not to feed her or play with her and Emilia had took up crying to get Emily's attention because thats the only time she was getting it from her. I didn't know what to do but I tried to do as much as I could with making dinner and looking after Emilia myself. Mrs Fields liked to take Emilia out for some fresh air but I think she was trying to stay strong for Emily. Emilia rolled off of me and landed between Emily and I. She pulled herself up the bed to Emily's head. I was always so impressed when she done things like this the doctors keep saying she developing really fast. Emilia began pulling Emily's hair. 

"Ali."  She moaned.

I was hoping today would be different. I lifted Emilia and put her back on my stomach but she began getting fussy. I could understand why she was missing Emily's affection because I was too. Emily rolled over onto her back and stared straight up. 

"How are you feeling?" I knew it was a stupid question but it was the only thing I could think of. 

"Better than yesterday." 

Emilia rolled off me again landing in between Emily and I. I picked her up again before Emily said anything.

"We should get up we will need to leave soon."  I climbed out of bed with Emilia.

Emily pov

As I walked up to the church beside my mom and Alison who was holding Emilia the whole world seemed to stop. I stopped at the bottom of the steps and my mom carried on up them to meet everyone who was already there. My heart was racing and I began to feel like I couldn't breath. I used the wall to hold myself up.

"Em whats wrong?" Alison grabbed my arm with her free hand.

Emilia began pulling at my hair. 

"I can't--- breathe."

"Baby just take a deep breath you're going to be fine. I'm here." 

I could see Spencer, Aria and Hanna coming and I tried to pull myself together.

"How you holding up?" Hanna placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Barely." Alison gave Emilia to Spencer and took my hand.

She led me into the church. 

My mom  was sitting right at the front. Alison and I joined her. Spencer gave Emilia to Alison then sat behind us. Emilia grabbed my finger and smiled. I looked down at her angelic face and realised how much I had been neglecting her. I kissed her tiny hand and I could see Alison smiled slightly. 

The service started and my head turned to mush. Emilia held my finger through the full service and I was glad she did it felt good. I knew I had to make it up to her and Alison for the way I had been towards then lately and I knew I would have to explain why. I tried to concentrate on Emilia's hand holding my finger so I didn't break down completely. It felt like my heart was breaking over and over again through the whole service. Alison had her hand on my thigh and it made me think of the time we told Spencer and Hanna that Alison and I were getting married.

Alison pov

Emily and I took Emilia home after the service. Emily didn't want to go to the wake she couldn't deal with all of the people. Emily was really quiet on the ride home.

We both sat on Emily's bed with Emilia between us playing with her toys. We both sat in silence watching Emilia playing. 

"Ali?" Emily took my hand and I looked up to from Emilia. "I'm really sorry about the way I've been treating you and Emilia lately."

"Em it's fine I understand it's hard at the moment." I squeezed her hand. 

Emilia began climbing on to Emily's lap and I helped her up.

"No it's not fine. I shouldn't have neglected Emilia, if anything I should have been spending more time with the two of you." I could see tears building up in her eyes and I leaned over to kiss her gently when I was hit with the smell from Emilia's diaper. 

"Em we both love you very much. I mean Emilia loves you so much that she will even sit on your lap and to the toilet." I laughed.

Emily smiled a little and kissed the top of Emilia's head.

"When I watch Emilia I keep thinking about how my dad never got to meet her and how he never even knew we were engaged."

"Your dad will be watching over you and Emilia. He would have been proud of you." 

Tears ran down Emily's face and Emilia slapped her face trying to catch them. Emily began laughing causing Emilia to giggle.

"Your birthday was ruined. I had so much more planned for the next day."

"It's fine we can do some of it another day." I smiled. "I love you."

"I love you more." Emily sat Emilia back down inbetween us. "She really needs her diaper changed."

I guessed it was my turn and picked Emilia up. 

"Ali lets get my mom or your dad to watch Emilia tomorrow and we will go out for a bit."

It was good to see Emily copeing better. I didn't know how to help her before.

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