Part 42 <3

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Carson's POV:

I chatted with Pattie and Justin until the doctor came in and gave me the forms I needed to fill out so I could leave the hospital. After I filled them out, Justin and I went home. Pattie came with us because she felt like she wanted to extend her visit to help me ease back into things. Of course, I sent my mom and dad back to Texas because I couldn't take either of them. The entire time we were in the hospital, they were nothing but rude to Justin and they continued to question my marriage with Justin. I couldn't take 5 more minutes of them.

"Thanks for letting me stay here." Pattie gave me a side hug as I showed her to the guest room.

I hugged her back, "I love you, Pattie. Why would I not let you stay here?"

Pattie walked into the guest room and set her bag down, "You really are great for Justin." She sat down on the bed and I leaned up against the door frame, "Do you believe in soulmates?"

"For sure. Especially now that I've found Justin." I crossed my arms, wondering where she was going with this conversation. I fiddled with my wedding ring and smiled.

"You two are soulmates. I can just see it." Pattie sighed, "Justin was not going down the right path when he was with Reese and even after him and Reese broke up. He got into all sorts of trouble. Reese cheated on him several times during the relationship, but he continuously forgave her. Did you know that?"

"No." Now Pattie had my interest. I walked into the bedroom and sat on the chair across from the bed, "I had no idea. I thought she only cheated once."

"He's embarrassed to talk about it, really. He was just so blindly in love." Pattie looked at the floor, "I felt so bad. He was so broken."

"I'm sure."

"Being in the spotlight puts a lot of pressure on him. Everything has to be perfect with him or the media flips out. They never found out Reese cheated so I think thats why Justin just blew it off."

"Makes sense. He didn't really have a reason to respond." I played with my fingers. Why didn't Justin ever tell me this? It made me feel upset. The only thing that kept running through my head was the same question over and over again, why didn't he tell me?

"I feel bad for him sometimes. A part of me wishes he was never discovered." Pattie paused, "Don't get me wrong. I am so thankful that God gave Justin everything he has, and that God gave Justin this amazing life, but I just wish it didn't come with all the other crap."

I bite my lip. I couldn't imagine the pressure. Sure, I have pressure on me to make sure I didn't say or do anything that could come back and bite me in the future, but Justin he had more pressure than I do. He has to look and do everything perfectly. "Yeah. I just wish he would've told me about that drama with Reese."

"Don't worry about it. Like I said, he's embarrassed about that entire relationship."

"I'm back with lunch!" Justin called up the stairs. I smiled at Pattie and then we both ventured downstairs to eat.

"Ceaser salad for mom." Justin said, putting a togo bowl on the table, "And cob salad for Carson, and a burger for me." We all sat down and ate our lunch. All of us, were oddly quiet, but it wasn't awkward.

At around 10 PM, we all decided it would be a good time to go to sleep. I slowly closed the door to Justin and I's bedroom as I hear the sink in our bathroom turn on. I walked over to bathroom and glanced inside. I smiled when I saw Justin brushing his teeth over the sink, shirtless. All of his tattoos are exposed and I couldn't help but be slightly turned on. I walked behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He gave a small smile and spit his the foam in his mouth into the sink before turning around and giving me a confused look. "What's this for?" He asked.

"I just love you." I leaned into his chest and wrapped my arms around him. "So, so much."

"I love you too, baby."

Heart. Hope. Happiness. (Sequel to Live. Laugh. Love.)  ***COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now