Chapter 8 - Why Are You Green?

Start from the beginning

"I think you look amazing by the way," Rocky smirked, before running upstairs.

"I will get you back Rocky!" I shouted after him. I turned back to Charlie and Riker who were still standing there laughing. Riker was on the floor, and there were tears coming out of his eyes, from how much he was laughing. I went over and kicked him lightly on the arm.

"Can I please borrow some clothes?!" I asked, annoyedly (Is that a word?!). He got up, and led me to his room. He got out a pair of his sweatpants and a t-shirt. I went into the bathroom to change, and when I came out, I saw Riker ripping up that picture of Dianna and him he had.

"Why are you doing that?" I asked. He obviously didn't know I was there, as he jumped out of fright.

"Oh, um, because it brings back memories, which I don't want to remember," he said awkwardly. He quickly changed the subject and said, smirking, "You look really awesome in my clothes," and walked over to me.

"Mm, 'awesome' is not the word I'd use to describe how I look right now," He laughed and we went downstairs, to see Ryland and Ross playing video games.

"Ooh, Call of Duty! Can I play?" I asked. 

"No." Ross said, not taking his eyes off the screen.

"Guys, don't be mean!" Riker said.

"It's okay, they're just scared because they know I'll beat them. Come on Rik, let's go upstairs," I tunred around.

"Woah, woah, woah. NO ONE beats me at COD, let alone a girl," Ross said, finally looking at me. I turned back around and he screamed, really high pitched. I burst out laughing.

"Why are you green?!"

"Because your brother thought it would be funny to dunk me into a pool filled with green dye." At this point, Ryland and Riker burst out laughing as well. "Now, how about I show you how a girl can do anything a guy can do. Well, anything YOU can do..."

This just made them laugh even more. I grabbed Ry's controller and started a new game. 20 minutes later, I had beaten Ross twice and he was demanding a rematch. 

"Face it, honey. I'm better than you at COD, and everything else," I said.

"What? Where did you get that from?! I bet I'd beat you in a game of ice hockey any day," he retorted.

"I'm sure you would, because I've never played a game of ice hockey in my life. But I'd beat you at everything and anything else,"

"Oh really?"


"Well, I challenge you."

"To what?"

"I don't know yet...but once I figure it out, I'm going to beat you!"

"You do that," I said. 

"You're amazing! You're a girl, who is awesome at video games!" Riker exclaimed.

"Have you never met one before?" I asked. He shook his head and I laughed. Just then. Rydel came storming back into the house, and ran straight upstairs. I gave Riker a let-me-go-after-her look and followed her upstairs, and into her bedroom.

"Hey, Dels," I said, tentitavely. She was sitting against the wall, and her eyes were red and puffy.

"Hey," she said, quietly.

"Where did you go?"

"To the park."

"I go there, whenever I need to cool down a little. What happened earlier?" I asked, sitting down next to her. This just made her start crying again. Oh well done, Jessie. I quickly put my arm around her and rubbed her back.

"It's okay, you don't have to tell me," I said, softly. There was a long silence, the only sound was her quiet sobs. 

"I'm in love, Jessie." she said, after about 10 minutes. I was not expecting that.


"I'm in love with this boy. He's so perfect, he's funny, he's cute, and he makes me feel so special,"

"Why are you crying then?"

"Because he doesn't love me back!" she said, and broke down into more tears.

"I don't believe that. Any guy would be lucky to have you, and I can't imagine a guy not liking you. If he doesn't like you, then that's his loss," I said, trying to comfort her. 

"But it hurts so much. I just want him to love me back, I want him to kiss me, I want him to hold me, I want to be able to call him mine." 

"Maybe I can help you! Who is it?" She started crying even more, but she managed to get out two words.

"It's Ellington."

Ellington? As in Ratliff, the guy who a few days ago told me he liked Rydel? And now she's saying that he doesn't like her back. 

"What makes you think he doesn't like you back?" I asked.

"He told me!" That really doesn't sound right..."I told him that I was sorry for saying I didn't feel the sparks, and that I actually did, and he just told me that I was right and it was stupid for him to think that he actually liked me. So, I started yelling at him, telling him he led me on, for no reason."

Okay, this sounds really wrong.

"That's really weird. Earlier, he told me he really liked you, but you didn't like him back. I'm going to talk to Ell," I said, getting up. "But, for now, how about we go get some ice cream?" She wiped away her tears, and softly nodded. I helped her up and she said,

"Why the hell are you green?" 

"Because your stupid brother decided it would be funny to dunk me into a pool filled with green dye." She burst out laughing, and I pushed her slightly, but I was happy that she seemed happy.

The looks I got from some people at the ice cream parlour just made her laugh even more. There was a little boy behind us in the line, telling his mum he wanted mint chocolate chip ice cream, so I told Rydel to order the same. When she did I said to her, loudly,

"No Rydel! You can't eat mint chocolate chip ice cream! Look what happened to me!" The little boy behind us looked terrified. It was hilarious.


sorry this is soo bad. 


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