Chapter 60!

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*Your POV*
I ran and ran until I reached my parents’ house. I knocked on the door and tripped with my foot. The door opened and my father stood in the door, I ran into his arms as I cried,
“Y/N what happened?” he asked,
“I can’t do this anymore!” I cried, “I can’t handle the crowd, I can’t handle the rumours, I just wanna go back to normal again” I continued,
“Shh, come on inside! I’ll just call Justin to say where you are, then we’ll talk” he said, I nodded my head and walked inside.
My mom was sitting on the couch as she read a book for Sophia. When she heard my footsteps she looked at me,
“Y/N” she said, she whispered something in Sophia’s ear and then Sophia ran off.
“I'm sorry to barge in, but I just needed you” I cried, I ran over to her and she pulled me in for a hug.
“Explain what happened” mom whispered in my ear. I pulled out of the hug and sat down,
“Justin, Ella, Luke and I finally went out since I got diagnosed with depression. Some girls saw us and went over to us, they were screaming, and I was shaking, Luke and Ella was scared, and that’s when it hit me, I can’t offer them this life, I love Justin, but it’s all too much” I sobbed,
“Listen I know it’s hard, but you just have to accept that this is your life, as you said, you love Justin and I don’t want you to leave him because of this” mom explained. Dad walked into the living room and sat down beside me. He pulled me into him and I laid my head on his shoulder.
“Justin and the kids is on their way, they have been looking for you” he said softly. I nodded my head and closed my eyes,
“I wish I could go back in time” I said, “I wish I could have stopped all this from happening” I cried,  “I love Justin so much, but maybe we aren’t meant to be married, to have kids, to love each other?” I said,
“What are saying?!” Dad said stern, “Would you give Justin and the kids up!” he said and stood up, “You and Justin are meant to be, you are meant to be married, you are meant to love each other!” he said,
“I agree with your father!” mom said. The doorbell rang and mom went to open,
“No mom I’ll do it myself” I said and went to open the door. I opened it and immediately hugged Justin,
“I’m so, so sorry” I cried,
“No it’s okay baby, I know we should have had some bodyguards, I know I should have protected you  and the kids” Justin said as he pulled me in for a kiss. The kids ran inside and over to mom and dad. Justin and I continued to kiss, Justin swiped his tongue across my bottom lip, I opened my mouth and moaned when I felt his tongue fighting with mine,
“That’s enough! We don’t want you to make a baby inside of our house” my dad joked. Justin and pulled apart and just started at each other,
“I love you” he whispered,
“I love you to” I whispered back, we stood forehead against forehead and just stared at each other amazed. I really love this man with all my heart.   

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