Wi-Fi (19)

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Song of the chapter: Something Just Like This by The Chainsmokers and Coldplay


"What?" Mfon cocked her head and looked at him with confusion.

"You were the only one that knew about it. How else would they know about the project, except if you told them! Not only that, but you would've had a motive. The software competition that brought me to limelight, you were also in the competition, and you helped me out, and I won and you didn't. Why didn't I think about this earlier?" He accused her with finality and she shook her head.

"Yes, I was jealous. But I realised that software isn't my thing. I prefer the army instead. And I didn't tell them, there was a listening device in your office. I was going to tell you but I forgot." She explained matter-of-factly, hurt swirling in her eyes and she wiped the tears that stained her cheeks with the back of her hand.

"She's saying the truth." Michael walked in. "One of Manny's people confessed to keeping it there. Mfon loves you, too much sometimes that I get jealous. She's saying the truth."

Tade stared at them for a while, trying to arrange his thoughts. "I'm sorry, it's just- I just-"

"It's okay you." She smiled softly, sniffling and then swatting his head. "Hey!" He pouted, slapping her hand away and they laughed.

"They made it seem like it was me. So I understand why you thought so, and you have been betrayed by a lot of people so, its good." She shrugged.

"Come here." He spread his hands wide, inviting her for a hug and wiggling his eyebrows. "Lets make Michael jealous of our love." He added and she laughed, hugging him.

Michael cleared his throat from behind them, glaring at Tade. "Just because you're on that wheelchair doesn't mean I won't beat you up, bro." He said and Tade laughed.

Pushing Mfon away jokingly, he said, "Take your wife oh! Oko iyawo. I would and find someone to love me too." Mfon rolled her eyes. "Good luck with that. Your ego is too large, the person that would love you would have to beat it down so there can be space for her."

"Na u sabi. Oya be going sef. Amebo, as if they asked her." He shooed them with his hands, a silly grin on his face. They laughed and Michael placed his hand on Mfon's waist, leading her out of the house. As an afterthought, she turned around and looked at him.

"Oh and, don't forget. You have to be up by eight on Monday. You have a company to run."


"Wake up you potatoe!" Mfon shouted into the phone as soon as he picked up.

He jumped back and winced. "Ah! I hope you're not mad now." He said and she scoffed. "If anyone is mad here, it's you. You have a company that opens in the next one hour and you're still in bed." Mfon scolded him.

"Company? What company?-" he paused and all the events came rushing back to him. "Oh, that company."


"Oh shit! The company. I have a bloody company again!" He swore. "But I want to sleep." He whined.

"Tade Bello!"

"I've got to go! Bye loser." He quickly said and hung up before she could come up with a comeback, hopping into his wheelchair and into the bathroom.

He had work to do.


Wheeling into the tall building which was now his office was the best feeling ever. Tade had his head up high as the employees gathered around, smiling at him and clapping their hands, some even hollering and hooting.

"Thank you all." He said proudly. "I know you all have been briefed about the situation, so I want all team leaders to meet me in my office in the next thirty minutes so you guys can keep me up to speed. Until we finish our meeting, no one should do anything. Are we good?" He announced and received murmurs of 'yes sir's around.

Uwa walked towards him with a relieved smile on her face. "Sir, it's good to have you back."

"It's good to be back."


Amenze: You've been really busy lately.

Tade: I know. Lots of work to do. I'm sorry, I'm free for you now babe

He pondered on whether to tell her about everything, but decided against it. If they ever meet, then he would tell her. But he could continue with his virtual happiness until it became something real.

Amenze: well that's good for you. Everything seems to have gone fine that day.

He was happy that she didn't pry into his affairs.

Tade: Perfect.

Amenze: well let me leave you with your work.

Tade: who said I was working now?

Amenze: lol, I don't know. I won't want to get in the way of a busy man.

Tade: I'm never too busy for you ;)

Amenze: look who still has his charm lol

Tade: only for you onitemi

Amenze: 🙈 so I have some news.

Tade: okay...

Amenze: I'm really excited, I'm finishing my youth service next week.

Tade: that's great!

Amenze: and, I'm moving back to Lagos. So when can we meet up?


Short chapter, I know I know.

The story is almost over anyway, and I gave you guys a cliffhanger 😈

Youth service in Nigeria is when you finish from university and then they post you in another state to 'serve' by working and learning about another culture apart from your own.

Oko iyawo is a tease for couples about to marry or newly married couples. Oko means husband. Iyawo means wife.

Mfon isn't bad! Who's happy about that?

And Amenze is coming to Lagos. Would our dear Tade man up and see her, or would he leave her hanging?

You guys didn't gimme banners oh! And you ate my virtual birthday cake

I loveeee the song of the chapter 🙌🙌🙌💟💟

Question of the chapter: Where are you lovely people from?

My answer: Ilesha, Osun state, Nigeria, West Africa :)

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Keep on being amazing my little mi-fi's

- Timi

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