Chapter 64: Enemy's Return

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The next day, I wake up to find that I feel fine. I get up and don't feel dizzy, my throat doesn't hurt, and I'm not coughing whenever I try to speak.

I walk from the cell block, eager to feel the sun outside again. I go past C, where I see Beth and Carl sitting with Judith.

"Hope! You're better!" Carl exclaims, smiling.

"Yeah, I am." I smile back.

"It's nice to see you," Beth says. Judith giggles.

"It's wonderful to see all of you," I reply, feeling so light I could touch the clouds.

I walk outside, the sun blinding me momentarily. A few people walk around outside, and I catch sight of Rick. I move towards him, and he smiles when he sees me.

"Nice to see you pulled through," he says, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you again, for saving my life," I say. "I'm glad I didn't make you sick."

"I'm glad too." He pauses. "It's just, I thought about what Daryl would go through if you died, and I couldn't let that happen."

I nod, remembering how close Rick was to going "Full Shane", as I like to call it, when Lori died. I would never want Daryl to go through that.

"Where's Daryl? And Hershel and Michonne?" I ask.

"Daryl's over by the inner fence. Hershel and Michonne went to dispose of the rest of the bodies," he answers.

I thank him, heading towards Daryl. I smile when I see my redneck.

"Hey babe," I call.

"Hey! You're feelin' better?" He grins.

"Yep! The sun feels so good." I close my eyes and tilt my face to the sky, a dreamy look on my face.

Daryl leans over and kisses me, and I rest my hand on his leg.

"I missed you," he mumbles against my lips.

"I was never gone," I whisper, laughing softly.

"No, but I missed being near you." He wraps his arm around my waist and I rest my head on his shoulder.

Everyone's outside, including Glenn, Sasha, and Bob. Glenn walks over to me with Maggie at his side. He still looks weak, and his colour hasn't returned fully, but he's alive and out in the sunshine.

"Thanks for the help the other day," he says, giving my hand a shake.

Maggie grins, grasping Glenn's free hand in hers. "I owe you one, Hope."

"No problem." I smile too, the good mood around the camp feeling infectious. "It's what we do for each other."

The two of them walk off, hand in hand.

"Daryl! Rick!" Tyreese yells. "I need you to see this."

"Be right back," Daryl says to me, kissing my cheek and running to the two men.

They disappear inside the prison and I lean against the fence. I pull out my knife, turning it over in my hands and running the blade along the chain link, making a clattering noise.

I walk over to the others, who are sitting around at the tables. The other survivors are inside, still sleeping off the flu. I'm lucky I didn't get nearly as sick as any of them.

"Don't you think Dad and Michonne should've been back by now?" Maggie asks Beth and Glenn as I sit down.

"They're probably taking their time. I don't think we need to worry," Glenn assures her, squeezing her hand.

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