Chapter 48: Mistake

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Daryl's POV

Merle pokes at the fire while I stand watch nearby. My mind keeps drifting back to the prison, my thoughts consisting of Hope and pretty much only her. Hopefully, she's cleaned herself up by now, gotten a good bandage on her arm.

I'm an idiot. What kind of man leaves their injured girlfriend like that? Hell, she's the best thing that ever happened to me and I just left her.

I really am a dumbass.

I realize Merle is trying to talk to me, and I turn to face him.


"Have you boned her yet?" Merle asks.

I grit my teeth, willing myself not to kick his ass into next week.

"No. I respect her, unlike some people." I give him a cold stare, and he laughs.

"Too bad. That's a nice piece of ass. Not the prettiest face I've seen, but nowadays, beggars can't be choosers." He whistles a little. "But damn...she's got curves."

Again, red blinds my vision. How dare he talk about her like she's some object.

"Don't talk about her like that. She's a woman," I say. "If you ever call her a slut again, I will personally smash your face in."

"A'ight, little brother. I'm sorry." Merle holds his hand and stump up in mock surrender. I roll my eyes. "I don't get why you like her so much anyways."

"She's a wonderful woman who deserves much better than me."

"Then why is she wastin' her time with you?"

I stop to think. Why does she like me?

"I don't know."

"Doesn't matter. She's long gone now." He chuckles. "Maybe ole Rick is givin' her some comfort." He winks and licks his lips. I ignore his comment again.

"Yeah," I mumble sadly.

Hope's POV

I fall asleep a little while after Carol leaves. I'm wiped out and need a good sleep.

I wake in the middle of the night, shaking from a new nightmare. The presence of the cold sheets beside me only make it worse, that hurt in my chest aching. I shut my eyes, pulling the blankets over my ears and trying to sleep again.

When morning comes, I hear people murmuring.

"What are we gonna do?"

"With Daryl gone, we could've used the extra muscle."

"What got into Rick?"

"Yeah, why'd he kick them out?"

I get up, walking through the cell block. The voices keep whispering, and I blink wearily. I feel like a walker, but then again, a walker can't feel this much pain.

"Whatever, back to the plan."

I exit the block into our dining room of sorts, where I see the group is gathered. Everyone is there except Rick.

"How are you so sure he's coming for us?" Beth asks. "Maybe we scared him off."

"He had fish tanks full of heads. Walkers and humans," Michonne says. "He's coming."

"We should hit him now," Glenn insists. "He won't be expecting it. We sneak back in and put a bullet in his head."

"We're not assassins," Carol argues.

"You know where his apartment is." Glenn looks to Michonne. "We can finish this tonight. I'll do it myself."

Michonne sighs and nods slowly.

"He didn't know you were coming last time, and look what happened," Hershel points out. "Oscar was killed, Hope and Daryl were captured, and you and Maggie were almost executed."

"You can't stop me," Glenn says.

"Rick wouldn't allow it."

"Do you really think he's in any position to decide that now?"

"T-dog and Lori lost their lives here. It isn't worth any more killing. What are we waiting for? If we're so sure he's coming then why haven't we left already?" Hershel asks.

"And go where?"

"We lived on the road all winter."

"Back when you had two legs and we didn't have a baby crying every four hours," Glenn retorts.

"We can't stay here," Hershel says.

"We can't leave!" I cut in. Everyone spins to face me, sympathy immediately softening their faces. "What if Daryl comes back and we're gone? Then what?"

Hershel sighs, scratching his beard. " have to understand-"

I shake my head, not wanting to hear what I know is the truth. I bite my lip, my fists clenching.

"I'll go on watch."

I storm off, grabbing a shotgun and leaving the building. I go up into a guard tower and rest the gun on my knee, watching. The sun crawls across the sky, fluffy clouds floating in a sea of blue. The others come outside and mill around aimlessly. Glenn gets into a car and leaves, probably going on a run.

I notice Rick outside the fence on a small footbridge. He's caressing the air with his hand. I sigh heavily, wondering what's gotten into him. I leave the watch tower, shouldering the shotgun. I head into the field, where Rick remains in the same spot as before.

"Rick?" I ask. He turns to me, his eyes looking sad. "What're you doing out there?"

"I...uh...I saw Lori," he says, shaking his head. "I saw her yesterday too."

I purse my lips, moving closer and looping a few fingers in the chain link.

"You need to snap out of it. We need you now more than ever. With Daryl gone and you out here, we don't have anyone to lead us," I say. "Do you really believe that she's here?"

"I know it's not really her, but there's got to be a reason that I'm seeing her." He meets my gaze. " out for everyone."

He turns and walks into the forest, leaving me alone. I move away from the fence, looking back at the prison and exhaling heavily through my nose. I walk to the overturned bus, which remains near the gate. I sit down, leaning against it and trying to clear my mind. I see Carol and Axel talking in the courtyard, laughing a little. I smile a tiny bit at the sight.

A gunshot rings out and Axel falls to the ground.

I jump in surprise, looking around the side of the bus. The Governor stands outside the fence, his men surrounding him. He nods curtly and more shots fly through the air, the shots echoing.

I duck behind the bus again and ready my shotgun. I close my eyes and grit my teeth, readying myself.

I poke my gun out, shooting. I duck back again as bullets hit the bus. When I look back at the courtyard, I see that Maggie has brought guns to everyone else and they're shooting back at the Woodbury soldiers. Gunshots sound from both sides.



I shoot more, and the Governor's men retreat a tiny bit.

Suddenly, a huge moving truck with an armoured man at the wheel crashes through our gate, driving into the main field. The back flies open and a hoard of walkers spills out. The guy jumps out and runs away.

"Shit," I cuss under my breath.

Daryl's Angel (Book One in the Apocalypse Angel Trilogy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن