Chapter 43: Lil Asskicker

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"Rick? You with me?" Daryl asks, waving a hand in front of Rick's face.

Rick stares straight ahead, not responding. I hand the baby to Carl, and Daryl moves away from Rick and back to me.

"Let me see the baby," Hershel says.

"What are we gonna feed her?" Daryl asks.

"Good news is she looks healthy," Hershel says, looking over the baby. "But she needs formula or she won't survive."

"No way. Not her. We ain't losin' anyone else. I'm goin' on a run," Daryl says, slinging his crossbow over his shoulder.

"I'll come with you," Glenn says.

"Me too," Maggie adds.

"Hope, Beth." Daryl urges us, and we walk over to him. "The kid just lost his mom, and his dad ain't doin' so hot."

"I'll hold up the fort," I say.

"I'll take care of Carl," Beth offers.

"Alright. You two-" He points to Oscar and Axel. "-get to the fence. Too many walkers pile up and we'll have a problem! Glenn, Maggie, vámonos."

Rick picks up an axe and runs into the prison.

"Rick! Don't!" I yell, but he doesn't listen.

"Come on! We're gonna lose the light!" Daryl yells, determination evident on his face.

Oscar and Axel run to the gate, ready to help. I finally take a good look around at our group, and notice that T-dog and Carol are gone. I bite my lip, willing myself not to cry again, the pain in my chest building. Even if Carol and I didn't get along all the time, she was still a part of this group. T-dog...

Tears come to my eyes again, and I shut them tightly, another sob rising in my chest. I'll never see them again.

"Let's go inside," Beth suggests to Carl and I.

We nod and go in, Carl carrying his baby sister the whole time.

Daryl's motorcycle revs as him and Maggie leave the prison. Glenn stays behind, going into the field with Oscar and Axel.


Night falls. Three graves have been dug and filled, complete with little ceremonies and crosses planted in the dirt. I stayed by them for a while, praying for strength. We've all taken shifts with the baby. Rick hasn't returned, although Glenn tried to bring him back.

We hear the familiar sound of a motorcycle and know that Maggie and Daryl are back. They run into the prison, where Maggie immediately pours out the contents of her backpack and her and Beth begin making formula.

Daryl rushes to me and the baby.

"How is she?" he asks.

"Good. Just hungry," I say, smiling.

The baby starts crying and I hand her to Daryl, who starts rocking her gently. Beth hands him a bottle full of formula, and he gives it to her. The crying stops, and he smiles.

"She got a name yet?" he asks.

"Not yet," Carl answers. "But, I was thinking...maybe Sophia. Then there's Carol too. Then...Andrea, Amy, Jacqui. Patricia, or...Lori." He trails off.

I look down. I hadn't really thought of how many women we had lost in a while.

Daryl looks back at the baby, who's still drinking. "Yeah? You like that? Huh?" he coos. "Little ass-kicker." He grins and looks up at us. "Right? That's a good name, right?" We chuckle. "Little ass-kicker. You like that? You like that sweetheart?"

I grin, chuckling again. The baby looks so tiny in Daryl's arms, and he's cooing and grinning, which is funny all on its own, not to mention insanely attractive.

Daryl hands me the baby, and I take her, bouncing her gently.

"Did you find a crib or anything?" I ask.

"Yeah, but we only had the bike, so we couldn't grab it," Maggie says.

"We've got extra boxes, from the food," Glenn says. "She can sleep in that, for now."

"Everyone get some sleep," Daryl orders.

I hand the baby to Beth, who carries her into the cell block with Carl close behind her. Everyone else moves in, and Daryl and I bring up the rear.

"You did good with that baby," he says, kissing my forehead and grabbing my hand.

"Well, look at you. Cuddling her, cooing..." I smile. "Big tough guy's got a soft spot."

"Two soft spots. You and her." He pauses as we walk past the row of cells, seeing everyone settling in. "I'm gonna move into your cell now."

"Good to know that you've gotten over sleeping in a cage."

"I can handle a cage if I'm in a cage with you."

We go up the stairs, where I grab his poncho, some pillows, and the blanket while he heads into my cell, leaving the mattress behind. I catch up and see him sitting on the lower bunk. I toss him the blanket and he drapes it over the bed. I fluff the pillows and place them on the bed while he puts our bags on the top bunk.

"You know? I think you'll make a great mom," Daryl says as he lies down.

I scoff. "I will? No, maybe I would have, but...I don't know how I feel about having kids now." I flop down beside him on the bed, facing him.

"Don't you want kids one day?" he asks.

"I did. But, I always said I would wait for marriage, and I don't think I'm going to have my white wedding now." I choke up, remembering how all my childhood dreams of love and marriage have been destroyed, along with the modern world.

Daryl looks at me lovingly, his hand resting on my hip. "You could still get married..."

"Maybe, but not in the way that I wanted. No white dress, no cake, no dad to walk me down the aisle..." I look at the roof of our bunk. Why are we having this conversation?

He pulls me close, kissing my jaw. "That's true, but that doesn't mean you won't fall in love and be happy with someone forever." I don't say anything, I just look into those blue eyes that I love so much. "We've got a family here. We've got Rick, Carl, Hershel, Glenn, Maggie...all of them. We care for each other."

I nod, tilting my face up to kiss him. He kisses me back, his hand on my neck, keeping me near him.

"You're right," I whisper.

He doesn't respond, he just pulls me closer.

Daryl's Angel (Book One in the Apocalypse Angel Trilogy)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ