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"You really scared me when you went on that ride, you know?" I scolded as Spencer fished our keys out of his pocket.

"I know, I know. But if I hadn't known it was safe, then I never would've gotten on it. Okay?" he reassured as he finally found the keys and put them in the door.

I sighed as he turned the handle. "I understand... just do- oh my goodness!"


We were greeted by our friends and some relatives as they all jumped out of hiding upon us entering.

How the hell did our friends get here before us?

"Wow! Thank you so much!" I exclaimed once I read the decorations that were all around.

It's our baby shower.

Spencer held my hand as we greeted everyone with smiles.

He took a second to whisper in my ear, "did we really take that long at the gas station?"

Oh yeah... we all came home separately after going back to Tyler's house. Those sneaky kids.

Sara and Jack giggled evilly as they skipped to us.

"I've been keeping this secret for a whole month!" Sara said happily, giving me a hug.

"You can thank me for threatening her with my eyes everytime she almost slipped up," Jack told us, giving her a sarcastic eye roll.

"My turn!" I turned around and saw the boy that made this happen.


I pulled him in for a big hug, letting him feel just how thankful I was.

"You're such a good brother."

"Hey... I can't be a good brother without a good sister. Well... two good sisters. Whatever! Congratulations!"

I giggled as he scurried off to meet his mate by the appetizers.

Spencer and I reconnected with some old family and enjoyed the simple things until it was time for everyone to leave.

It didn't take long for the house to become empty again, our friends all going to Tyler's house and my relatives going home.

Spencer had finished cleaning the last bit of decorations when I saw my mom come downstairs for some water.

I need to talk with her.

"Spencer... you mind if I...?" I motioned to my mother, who I haven't seen as much I'd like to lately.

He instantly caught on, giving my forehead a kiss. "I'm going to head to the guest room for bed. Goodnight. I love you." He always said he loved me with dead seriousness in his eyes. It was as if he was trying to convince of something that I didn't believe. But I believe him everytime.

"I love you."

He left and it was just me and my mom, who was focused on the refrigerator.

"Hey mom."

She turned around and gave me a smile that's always calmed my nerves.

"Hey... whatcha thinkin' about?"

This is it. All it took was that question from my mommy to bring all the fear to the front.

"Mom, how did y'all handle things?"

My parents had me at my age. Although things were different for them back then. I need to know how they got the strength to continue.

She sighed, almost knowing that this question would soon come.

"Well... my father was very supportive. My mother, however, was not. It was hard at first for her, but toward the sixth and final month she accepted it. They made sure we never felt like we were alone and that we had everything we would need. I moved out when I was 19. Your father, you, and I were living in a small apartment. Your dad didn't want me to work even though we had bills to pay, but he eventually worked his way up so that we could have this place. We just never gave up. No matter how hard it got."

My father is the top warrior of our pack. I know it's hard to believe since he's a dweeb, but believe it! The man is strong and he can fight.

"I wish we had some rich friends like y'all do. Y'all get to live in a fancy alpha mansion and we were surviving off of ramen noodles and milk!"

Of course she could make me laugh while I'm scared out of my mind.

"I'm going to miss you, mom." I couldn't help the tears. I was so close to not living with my family anymore. So close to actual adulthood. It's terrifying.

"I'm going to miss you, baby."

...two more months...

His Mate *currently in editing*Where stories live. Discover now