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I'm so glad I have all these big jackets. I don't need drama. Especially on my first day back.

With a feeling of dread for the upcoming months, I walked downstairs to see my mom drinking coffee in the kitchen.

"You ready for school?" she asked, giving me that knowing, concerned look.

I sighed. "Yeah, I'm ready."

I lied.

Although I didn't speak to most of the people at my school, I was still worried that someone might pick up on the extra scent. There is this awful thing about werewolves where if you're pregnant, people who know your scent can easily tell.

This makes it extremely difficult to keep pregnancies secret.

"Your friends are outside. If people say anything, call them or me. I don't care how old they are, I will come down and beat their asses."

Somehow her violent statement made me feel much better. "Trust me. I know you don't. Love you." I kissed her cheek and walked outside.

Sara and Jack were in the car already and Spencer was leaning against the car.

He let out a sigh of relief when he saw me. "Alright let's go. I microwaved a sausage egg and cheese for you." He handed me a paper towel with the biscuit inside.

I let out a grateful groan and gave him a hug. This is exactly what I needed.

"Thank you so much!" I squealed in delight before pulling away and taking the biscuit. "I don't think I could wait until 11 o'clock to have lunch." He chuckled at my statement and opened the passenger door for me.

I silently thanked him before attempting to get in the seat.

Emphasis on 'attempting'.

My big ass bump made it hard to bend my knees for the two seconds it would've taken to sit.

This thing grows way too fucking fast for werewolves at this stage.

"Wait!" Spencer yelled before gently pulling me out of the car. "Sara, scoot over for a sec." She complied with his command as I stood there, confused and sad. Spencer then leant down and adjusted my seat so that it was leaning back. When he stood up straight again, he prepared to lift me in bridal position which I immediately tried to refuse.

"Um, I don't think you should try to-" he cut me off by lifting me with ease and laying me down on the seat, completely taking me by surprise, and buckling my seatbelt.

I was sure that my weight would break his back.

Before I could thank him, he closes my door and jogs over to the drivers side, sitting inside and shutting the door.

He... he just solved my problem. Just like that...

I love him so much...

I wept silently for the entire ride.

We made it to school after a long car ride filled with reassurance and I immediately felt eyes on me even though I'm sure absolutely no one was looking.

Sara walked beside me. "You really want to hide your pregnancy? We already have three pregnant classmates that we know of."

She's right. Teen pregnancy is definitely not rare in our school.

"I just don't want people in my business, you know?"

"I get i-...of fucking course..." Why did she say that? What is she looking at-... fuck. "Let's go, Kacey."

His Mate *currently in editing*Where stories live. Discover now