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I woke up in darkness.

Are you kidding me? Why must I wake up at 2am so often?

"Good morning." I jumped at the sound of his voice. I completely forgot that Tyler was here. "Did I scare you?"

"Yes!" I grunted out. My voice always sounds too raspy this early.

He laughed at it. "Do you want some water?"

I nodded, not trusting my voice to sound any better.

He didn't let me get off that easily. "No, I want you to say 'yes I want water'."

I glared at him. "Yes-" my voice cracked disgustingly and I saw him holding back his laughter. "-I want some fucking water."

"That was cute. I'll be right back."

With that, he left the room.

Why did I let him stay for so long? He's going to have to leave soon because I don't let boys stay in my room. Well, Jack and Spencer do but they're not real boys. They're the homies.

But, I am feeling some things for him now. I think we could be really good friends. There's no denying that there's at least a little bit of chemistry between us. Unfortunately, it's not the romantic kind. Maybe that'll change with time.


I cannot believe how fast things are moving with this girl.

"Dude, you're getting her water. Is this your idea of moving fast?"

"I'm sleeping over at her house."

"You've got a point."

I walked downstairs and contained my amusement when I saw her friends entangled with each other on the couch.

Jack's head was in Sara's ass and Spencer's foot was in her face while his head hung off the edge of the sofa bed.

Poor Sara doesn't deserve this.

I could tell they were fighting over who got to have the sofa bed until they just decided to share.

As the snoring filled my ears, I looked into the refrigerator for bottles of water.

I also got bags of chips and spinach dip because I know how hard it is for her to fall asleep again after waking up in the middle of the night.

What? I do my spiritual research on everyone in the neighboring packs.

Just as I was about to walk back up the stairs, I smelled that smell that I was trying to pinpoint last night. It was a strong apricot-covered scent.

I was attempting to sniff it out, but it just led me to the living room. They must've had some sort of food that had apricots.

Just as I was about to forget about it, Sara woke up itching her nose.

"You okay?" she questioned upon seeing me.

"Yes. Kacey just woke up, so I'm bringing her some things."

"Good thinking. She has a hard time going back to sleep after waking up so early."

I know she's talking, but I'm having a hard time paying attention to what she's saying. I feel foggy the more I look at her. Maybe I'm just tired.

"I'm going to head back upstairs. Don't want to keep her waiting."

"Oh! Good. You could give my mate some notes," she said jokingly, making me awkwardly chuckle.

"Enjoy the rest of your night." I turned and walked back upstairs to Kacey's room, trying to get that odd conversation out of my mind. I don't know why, but the odder it got, the more I wanted to stay? I just feel like we could do better in terms of conversation.

Whatever. That's not the point of me being here.

Kacey turned over in her bed to look at me and her face brightened upon seeing... the chips.

"Chips! Thank you so much!"

She hilariously jumped out of bed to demolish the bag.

When we met, it was clear that she wasn't all that into me. It's weird. I felt butterflies until I walked into the detention room. But I think that fade was just because we had met already. Perhaps this dried out feeling is because we're comfortable with each other's energies!


You know what? Even if we don't work out, I can see this being the start of a wonderful friendship.

His Mate *currently in editing*Where stories live. Discover now