Mistaken Royalty (Part 1) // Tom Holland

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You craned your neck, trying to see the subject and reason of tonight's gallery – the Prince. He donned a mask, meaning there was not much to behold. You managed to shove your way through the thresh of people crowding to catch a glimpse of the soon-to-be-King, managing to make it to a table littered with drinks. You grabbed a flute of champagne, not seeing much damage of having one glass – especially if no one was looking.

"Don't worry," a voice behind you said, reaching over to grab a flute for themselves, "I won't tell, if you don't."

You turned around, a guilty smile on your face as you saw a young man standing behind you, a mask on with a smirk underneath it.

"Not too keen on the royal family?"

"No! Of course, I am. I just, I can't see. There's so many people–"

"Too little space?"

"Something like that – I've never been in a crowd this large before."

"The palace holds celebrations this big almost once a month, Princess."

"Oh, no – I, um, I am not a princess," you clarified, smiling sheepishly as you adjusted your mask, "I don't get invited to the palace often – at all, actually. This is mine and my family's first time."

"Hm," he nodded, raising his glass toward you, "well, welcome to the prestige. May your visit be one to remember."

You raised yours to his, clinking it. "We shall only hope."

"You could have fooled me, by the way."

"I'm sorry?" You asked, looking at him confused, not that he could tell – the mask was much too big on you.

"You not being a princess? Seems unlikely. You could have fooled me into thinking you were one." He smiled, glancing up at the band as the first song played.

"Well," you blushed, clearing your throat, getting ready to walk away, "thank you, kind sir."

"Woah, woah," he said, reaching out quickly to grab your wrist as you walked in front of him. "Can I – uh, may I... May I have a dance, at the very least?"

You glanced around, looking for your mother or father, but came up empty. You glanced at the gentleman's outstretched hand. You had danced once before; you stood on your father's feet at the age of eight and waltzed around the living room. The thought caused you to glance at the man in front of you's feet and smile at how silly it would be if you were to do that now.

"I'm not much of a dancer, I must warn you," he continued, smiling sheepishly at you.

"I have only ever danced once. I may not be much of one either," you smiled, taking his hand anyway.

He led you most of the way, you both stepping on each other's toes when you became confused on who would step first after every turn, causing you both to laugh and in turn bump heads whenever you leaned forward.


"We're a disaster together," you laughed, after the song ended.

"Yes, but, I think we would be horrible with anyone else – we suit each other," he laughed back, bowing while you curtseyed. "Would you... would you like to see the garden? It really is a must-see."

"How do you know the castle so well?" You asked, furrowing your eyebrows.

"Uh, close friend of the family. I'm actually very close to the prince." He smiled at you, "But, I'd prefer if that stayed between us."

You nodded slowly at him, "Sure. I wouldn't have anyone to tell, anyway." You smiled, "Now, the garden?"

He nodded, taking your hand and sneaking off toward the back.

"So, what's your name, fair maiden?"

You laughed lightly at his sarcastic tone of the title. "Y/N L/N."

"Lady Y/N."

"Please, no title. Just... just Y/N."

"Well, Just Y/N, it's a pleasure."

"And yours, kind Sir?"

He smirked, then shrugged, thinking for a few seconds. "Harrison. Harrison Osterfield."

You nodded, sitting next to him on the bench when he patted the seat. "Harrison, a pleasure as well." You lifted your hand, touching his mask. "Will I get to see you underneath?"

He smiled, lifting one of his toward your mask as well, "I will show you mine, if you show me yours." He winked. You smiled and shrugged, taking your mask off with no hesitation. His breathing stilled as he took you in – partly because he wasn't expecting you to take the mask off, but the other part of him took in your sheer beauty – effortless, was what described you. In the most positive sense.

"Your turn?" You asked, reaching to remove his mask, only to be interrupted before you could do so.

"God, I've been looking everywhere for you!"

You turned around, seeing the Prince running up to you. You could only tell based off what you had seen him wearing, considering his mask was still on. You glanced at his attire, then Harrison's, their clothes seemed very similar. You stood up, curtseying, the way you had been taught.

"Prince Thomas," you said, lowering your head.

"Uh, yes, hello to you, Fair Maiden," he bowed, looking toward Harrison. "If you'll excuse us, I need time to talk to my... friend."

"Of course," you said, slightly disappointed as you reached for your mask, putting it back on. "It was a pleasure, Harrison."

He took your hand, kissing the back of it. "Please, the pleasure was mine." He smiled, waving you off.

He and the Prince watched you as you walked back inside, before they both turned to look toward he each other.

"Your parents are going insane looking for you, they keep asking why I won't take the godforsaken mask off," Harrison said, removing his mask and switching it with Tom's.

"Thanks for doing this for me, man," Tom praised, looking after where you had walked away.

"Why was she calling you by my name?"

Tom looked back at Harrison, his best friend who had stood in for him during the ceremony, so he could enjoy the crowd one last night, they saw no harm in it, considering their faces were to be covered the whole night. "I didn't tell her I was the prince." He frowned. "I panicked and told her my name was yours. She hasn't even seen my face."

Harrison frowned – he knew his best friend wanted nothing to do with royalty, but his younger brothers were much too... young.

"I may never see her again – and, if I do, she won't know it's me." Tom frowned, sighing as he put the mask on. "But, thanks for sitting in as Prince for the night, Haz. I wouldn't have met her if you hadn't." He smiled at his friend, letting him lead him inside. When Tom entered the room, he saw you exiting the palace with your family, a frown falling onto his face. You turned around, causing him to look another way. He watched, from the corner of his eye, as you looked around for him (though, you didn't know who you were looking for), before you shrugged and walked away.

He hoped to see you again, even if in another lifetime.

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