The Crawling Shadow Figure and The Two Ghost Children Who Likes To Roam My House

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This happened on May 16th 2014

I was in the living room just rocking the recliner back and forth as I was messing around with the camera, but I got distracted by a short figure. (Knowing it was the little ghost boy, who kept turning my lights on during the daytime.) I took the picture and there was nothing, but as my sister and her friend ran up the stairs there he was. I yelled for them to stay there as I took the picture, and the little boy's orb shows up next to my sister. Orbs doesn't bother me, but when I looked down the stairs and into my parents room. I saw him. That exact same shadow figure crawling fast on the ground. I took the picture of him, and for odd reasoning it showed up as a bright, and I mean bright greenish orb. That what freak me out, but that's not all.

Ever time when I'm in my room, I could feel like I was depressed. That's when I noticed something bad was about to happen, which it did. On Sunday, after I got back from hanging out with Erica, a friend of mine, my dad told me that my Grandpa Keith was very sick to the point where he was taken to the hospital. Everyone was worried, but we still kept our faith in him, but later that night I could hear him laughing. On Monday, the 19th, is when I was told that my grandpa has cancer. Where I don't know, but when I remembered the shadow figure I knew he was telling me something. I knew it.

As for now, I still have the little ghost boy and now a little ghost girl keep on turning on my lights and running around my upstairs hallway. It's kinda creepy when you can see them in the reflections, and one of them is a shadow figure and the other is a white apparition. Funny thing is, they don't bother me. I'm so use to it.

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