My Uncle Bo

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According to my mom, Bo was a very nice man. She'll tell you. Even my own father will tell what he did. He was that type of guy that will jump out of his truck just to get your hat back. Yeah, he's that type of uncle. When I was little, he used to rub my hair all the time. Sadly, back in 1998, he was murdered inside his own home. Some say it was because of my mom's cousins or other reasoning's, but all I know was he was shot in the head. At his funeral, I was only three at that time, and I was sitting on either my mom's or my dad's lap, but either way I got off and ran towards my Uncle's coffin and hugged it. Everyone cried at that moment, even when my mom told me this story I can always feel my throat turning into a knot feeling. 

A week after the funeral, my mom caught me talking to myself in my own room. Note: Back then we used to have a Dalmatian puppy named Baby and she will always stand there by my doorway. Well when my mom asked me who was I talking to, I told her that there was a man wearing cowboy boots sitting on my bed, and I hate when there is someone on my bed. That right there, really made my mom cried. My Uncle was that type that loves to wear cowboy boots. Later, my mom told my Uncle to leave my bedroom, but instead, he being a jokester, he decided to stay with us for a little while by putting up the dishes, flickering the light on and off, and flushing the toilets. Did I forget to mention that he can play really mean tricks on you? Well he does that to. 

When I was around the age of five, my mom was trying to play one of my Blue's Clues tape, and my Uncle, deciding to be funny, he kept on pressing stop when my mom was trying to press play. I laughed it off, but one night. I was trying to go to bed and I was watching Scooby Doo at that time. Well, I heard a ghostly moan, like those where on TV. Except this ghostly moan was loud enough to hurt my ears. When I heard it, I dashed out my room and into the bathroom trying to calm myself down. He may thought it was funny, but in real life it wasn't. 

Another night after that, my mom stand with me until I go to bed. According to her, she saw a shadow figure sitting on my toybox staring directly at my mom. After that, my Uncle decided to play pranks on my mom. One day while she was sitting at her computer desk, my Uncle screamed right at her ear making my mom frozed up, and I just laughed and told my Uncle, "You're in trouble now." He just laughed. Throughout the years where we used to lived in an apartment back in Nashville, we heard my Uncle walking up and down the hallways at night. It got to the point where we were tired of this and moved out to a place called Murfreesboro. Now Murfreesboro reminds me a lot like we used to lived except we lived in our own house instead of a old apartment. 

Well, I thought that was over, but no. On one of my first nights here,  I saw my uncle standing by my doorway just waving at me, and it was around early in the morning to, so I was half asleep. I sat up and look at him and said, "Uncle Bo?" Knowing my luck it was him, so all I did was just smiled and go back to sleep. After that my cousin's father decided to commit suicide for his stupidity, so my Uncle decided to visit my cousin and my aunt. Like I said, he's a caring Uncle. 

On September 11, I don't know what year it was, but middle of the night I was talking to a friend of mine from school, and out of nowhere. I heard a loud scream, so loud that it woke up the dogs. (we have three dogs, a basset hound, a beagle, and a black lab/Australian Shepard) I just stopped what I was doing and turned on my light and went to bed with the covers over my head. I love my Uncle, but when he does that ghostly moan and that scream of his, yeah NOPE! 

And then when my sister and I stayed at my grandparents house for a week, every night he would mess with my hair like he used to do when I was little, and honestly it felt like a tick crawling in my hair, and I checked over and over almost every day to, until my grandma told me it was my Uncle. One night, while I was writing one of my stories, I saw him slapping my grandpa across the face. When my grandpa woke up, he said, "It felt like as if someone slapped me!" My grandma and I just laughed and continue on our ways. 

As for now, he sometimes come and visits me, but not that often when my mom told him to go away. To me, it's funny when my mom doesn't like seeing this type of stuff, but I can actually see this type of stuff, and let me tell you this. It's sometimes a gift and sometimes a curse, but mostly a curse. 

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